Analog Four Update Trouble

I’m trying to update my Analog Four MK2 to the latest firmware. Currenlty the device is on v1.35b.

I’m on MacOS 10.15.7.

I downloaded the latest version of Transfer, but Transfer will not see the Analog Four at all. I’ve tried MIDI DIN and USB, and I’m made sure that the system settings for USB is MIDI ONLY (and not OB).

I tried Transfer in SysEX mode, and Recovery Mode. No luck. The A4 is not receiving.

I’ve tested MIDI with a MIDI utility tool, and both USB and MIDI DIN are working fine as far as connectivity goes.

I’ve tried using SysEX Librarian as well, and I can confirm that I can send and receive SysEx no problem. Was able to send a couple sounds from the A4 and back, so again, connectivity seems to be working, but when I try to send the firmware update, both from the System Menu method and boot from recovery method (aka hold FUNC while powering on.)

Nothing seems to work. Anybody have any ideas or advice?

Given what you have described, it’s probably worthwhile checking that you have got the correct mk2 firmware and even download again in case of corruption. It’s not unusual to hear this experience when people send the wrong firmware, especially when you have also tried sysex librarian


I will do that & report back. The one I’ve been trying is Analog-Four_Analog-Keys_OS1.51C - which seems like the correct one, but I’ll re-download it. Thank you for the suggestion!

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That’s the wrong firmware


This one is for Mk2

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O M G.

I just saw that there is a different MK2 version after you’d asked me to double-check… I’m going to go hide in a cave. (After I update…)

Thanks again so much for the assist!


Worry not, we’ve all been there…