Analog Heat +FX OS 1.00: bug reports


You encountered something wrong in the newest OS, reproduced it in a new project and want to check if others can replicate it ?

Here is the place.

Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug :wink:

Please report all bugs via the Support Tickets section on if they have not already been confirmed below.

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Literally just turned mine on! I’ll report in if I find anything.


I have an issue with the output level, it’s about 20db lower than the input. I’m using overbridge in ableton and even when the heat is bypassed (Active is off) the output level is still very low. I double checked the input level is correct.
I also have heat mk2, same setup, no issues.

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There’s a new setting: “preset config”, with a “volume” option, that has quite a big effect on the output level. I’ve put mine at 127 initially till I get a better feel for the gain staging on this device (which does appear to be quite different to the mk2)


even at 127 preset volume there is still a big difference. it’s especially strange that there is a volume difference when everything is bypassed.

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In overbridge, only the left input is showing level right is stuck on -inf.
Onboard meters both working, and audio passing on both channels, so I suspect just overbridge weirdness.

This was the case with the MK1 and MK2 as well, couldn’t tell you the exact dB but I also found it strange that it had a volume drop when ‘bypassed’.

Maybe it’ll get sorted on the MK4 🫠

I’m testing the mk2 and no matter the settings, when it’s bypassed, the input and output levels are the same, same effect as if the vst was disabled.

I spoke too soon, definitely getting L/R level weirdness on the audio through the unit. Balls.

It’s been fairly widely discussed. You can certainly get lots of volume from the Heat but it is known for creating headroom from the dry signal.

Me and Dave Mech have both had issues using it as a master insert on a mixer where you’re more limited with gain staging. Without drive it robs you of volume.

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I did more testing comparing +FX and MK2 (with overbridge). The output level is the same, with matching DRIVE LEVEL and WET. The difference is when they are bypassed: MK2 matches the input and output levels, +FX lowers the output significantly.
Might be intentional to account for the new effects chain.

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Calibration helped my L/R level balance, I wouldn’t say it’s perfect.
I agree on the total output level being low: 12db of make-up gain in the compressor only accounts for about 6db on the mixer meters.

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I’ve just noticed something a bit odd with the Warble effect. If I put the dry/wet mix somewhere in the middle and turn the effect off and on, there seems to be a fair bit of LPF:ing (and possibly some overall level reduction) with the effect enabled, even when all the effect parameters are effectively zeroed out. If I put the mix at full wet (or full dry) with the same set of parameters there is no noticeable difference when I turn the effect on and off.

I think the nature of Warble makes it necessary to have a slight buffer, hence the slight delay you’ll notice when Warble is full Wet. It’s impossible to hit a beat with your fingers in live recording mode then, the best always feels late.
So mixing the Wet and Dry signal implies some phasing effect that cancels some frequencies, I believe.

@_Niko do you have further elements to explain what is going on exactly when Warble is 50% Wet?

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Yeah, that seems to be a plausible explanation at least.
In a perfect world it would have been nice to have the dry signal delayed to match while the effect is enabled, but I can see how this might be difficult or impractical to implement.
If frequency cancellation is an unavoidable side effect of running this effect in a partially dry manner, maybe it would be a good idea to include a footnote about it in the manual?

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The warble introduces a delay of ~10-30ms, it depends on the modulation… So when you put the mix to 50% with 0 depth (no modulation), the effect becomes like a comb filter. If you increase depth with mix 50%, it is like a chorus with complex modulation. I think in those 50% wet situations, it is really useful to have the BW filter to fit the “chorusing” part in the mix.
If the dry signal is delayed to match, you will always have a lot of latency when warble is enabled which is not really desired as well.


i think this came up in testing and we learned then it’s the nature of the beast so to speak, i wonder if a qualifying word or two added within the manual could help guide users away from such a conclusion (bug) and to better understand harnessing its potential with a bit of knowledge like this

Edit: ah, same page :thup: (pun intended)

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About the lower output. I noticed when I recorded from USB directly to my iPhone that the volume was very low compared to what I get from my Syntakt or Digitakt from USB. Is there any way to higher the output volume?

Cool, thanks for the explanation. :+1:

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I’m having a major issue with overbridge: even simply controlling the unit via overbridge – not monitoring though it – introduces a delay to the digital audio that results in significant comb filtering.

That along with my intermittent L/R level difference (sometimes it’s as bad as 6dB, sometimes a reboot sorts it) and the overall output of it being so low, I’m kinda losing faith in it. BIG potential for live mastering for sure, but we’re beta testing this one – released way too soon. Hopefully all the bugs are software not hardware.