Analog heat mkii & reaper

I am a fresh owner of the ANALOG HEAT MKII, running on the newest OS and installed newest OB. (Also an DAW and Reaper Noob, before i only recorded hardware wise…)

I tried the HEAT connected as an classic Effekt with my OP-1 and its sounds fantastic!

Now i want to integrate/use the AH into the REAPER DAW for Mastering etc.
Has someone experience with that combo and can tell how to set this up?
Software- and Hardwarewise? I checked the web and this forum, but i don’t get it…

Or do i need additional to my macbook and the AH an Audiointerface to get it running at all?

Thanks a lot!

You don’t need a separate interface.
The Heat will work with Reaper, but it will take some time to figure it out, especially if you are new to Reaper and DAWs in general.
I think the first step is to investigate the Prferences/Audio panel in Reaper, and the routing options. Then read the AH manual about USB routing options. Then try running the Heat as a VST. It’s complicated, try it out when you are feeling patient and chill.

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I ve got something running :wink: (see screenshot)
The knobs react on both ways, but i can’t hear anything.
Have you any idea and can help me to get this running tonight?
I hope i am only some clicks and AH Settings away from it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: