Analog Heat phasing in Ableton Live

I’m using AH as a send&return effect in Ableton Live. There is a slight phasing that occurs between my input channel (the channel the is sending the audio), and the AH return channel when part of the dry signal is let through the AH.

I have “Delay compensation” turned on, but still there is a slight phasing. Maybe this is normal…

Is there some way to compensate for this?

The problem is that the DA/AD roundtrip adds latency that the delay compensation doesn’t address. To fix this you need to delay the dry tracks to compensate, but not delay the send to the effect, just what is monitored in the mix, so you need to duplicate the tracks being sent to the Heat, take the send tracks out of the main bus, and delay the duplicated tracks.

I should add that adding a filtered sound back with an unfiltered signal can create phasing effects around the cutoff frequency, so that is somewhat inherent in the design.


I see, duplicating should work but I was hoping there was some ultra simple solution to this. :slight_smile:

I guess if I just run the AH and other send effects completely wet then this should also sease to be a problem.