Analog Keys Gate Out only Legato?

Is there a way to change the gate out mode for the AK?

If I play fast, modular envelopes are not retriggered. I can’t for the life of me find some way to change this?

Pro 2 works fine to retrigger modular envelopes with fast playing.


I don't know if this is the reason, but could it be that it's because of the envelope's u are using ? Every envelope has 2 positions - DOTTED or NOT DOTTED. When using not dotted the ENV's aren't retriggered when not reaching there final state before reaching the next note-on. ( a kind off legato i guess). Have a look in the ENV -pages. All 3 env's can be of influence.

gate has nothing to do with envelopes in AK, it conducts the envelope in the external cv controlled synth - it should just be a pulse as long as the key is held down - reduce the voltage in both the ak and pro 2 to 1v and record in a daw* and compare identical phrases, see what differs shape wise or pulse length etc, if nothing is different, establish what the gate voltage is in the pro 2 and set same in ak - check cables/adaptors etc just in case and cv settings too - the envs on the cv track are for shaping general cv signals, not gate, though you can use whatever voltage signal you like to unconventionally drive an external synth in any way you choose, but the gate is derived in a clearcut way, pulse from keydown to keyup

  • or use the gate as a modulation/env (open the vca) and record a low voltage ‘normal’ signal to daw and compare just to see how the gate signals may be different between ak and pro2

Sorry, I guess I wasn’t quite clear enough.

I am not using the AK envelopes.

I am using modular envelopes. But triggering them from the AK CV gate out.

The Pro2 triggers and retriggers the envelopes just fine but the AK does not seem to send a retrigger for each note played when playing fast or legato.

I can’t find any setting for gate out to not be legato. But perhaps I am missing something?

I did try adjusting the voltages in the CV setup but it didn’t seem to have any effect on retriggering. The AK triggers the envelopes just fine as long as there is a clear key release.

If there is no solution perhaps I just need to clean up my fast staccato playing :slight_smile:

When I get a bit more time I will try recording the gates into my DAW.

gate has nothing to do with envelopes in AK, it conducts the envelope in the external cv controlled synth - it should just be a pulse as long as the key is held down - reduce the voltage in both the ak and pro 2 to 1v and record in a daw* and compare identical phrases, see what differs shape wise or pulse length etc, if nothing is different, establish what the gate voltage is in the pro 2 and set same in ak - check cables/adaptors etc just in case and cv settings too - the envs on the cv track are for shaping general cv signals, not gate, though you can use whatever voltage signal you like to unconventionally drive an external synth in any way you choose, but the gate is derived in a clearcut way, pulse from keydown to keyup

  • or use the gate as a modulation/env (open the vca) and record a low voltage ‘normal’ signal to daw and compare just to see how the gate signals may be different between ak and pro2[/quote]
    Thanx for correcting… i misunderstood; Are you an engineer ?.. i think you wrote that somewhere. I don’t know enything about electricity or electronics. Very happy that some people here explain. It’s a big help :joy:

gate has nothing to do with envelopes in AK, it conducts the envelope in the external cv controlled synth - it should just be a pulse as long as the key is held down - reduce the voltage in both the ak and pro 2 to 1v and record in a daw* and compare identical phrases, see what differs shape wise or pulse length etc, if nothing is different, establish what the gate voltage is in the pro 2 and set same in ak - check cables/adaptors etc just in case and cv settings too - the envs on the cv track are for shaping general cv signals, not gate, though you can use whatever voltage signal you like to unconventionally drive an external synth in any way you choose, but the gate is derived in a clearcut way, pulse from keydown to keyup

  • or use the gate as a modulation/env (open the vca) and record a low voltage ‘normal’ signal to daw and compare just to see how the gate signals may be different between ak and pro2[/quote]
    Thanx for correcting… i misunderstood; Are you an engineer ?.. i think you wrote that somewhere. I don’t know enything about electricity or electronics. Very happy that some people here explain. It’s a big help :joy: [/quote]
    Not that kinda engineer, but engineers are engineers i guess. I had this ‘issue’ with doepfer DE1. It’s down to the way that the gate will not be closed when there are overlapping notes, now whether the pro2 sends a short ground at the start of the overlapping note i don’t know, that’s why you’d want to poke around with signals or the product of signals to detect any differences. I doubt anything can be done, but i’m curious if the Dave smith method is indeed different ?

That’s really the issue :wink:
You should be able to get around this by also assigning a TRIG to that track going into your EG’s re-trigger input (if it has one) but that “wastes” two CV outs. I use an LFO one-shotting as EGs instead, it will retrigger with sloppy playing and they’re not horrible envelopes.

About the dotted - non dotted envelopes - Tried that solution with an MS-20m, no luck. They don’t seem to change anything for the CV track, since there’s no legato settings as on track 1-4. Haven’t found a solution that allows fast playing and variable note length.

They’ve made the CV features much more useful in the latest firmware revision, but they could make it damn near perfect if it had a proper legato / non legato option.

…That and tracking as a mod source. =)

Has this been addressed?

Is there a non-legato gate available on A4/AK?