Analog Keys + OB 2.0.65 = Env Attack problem

The latest AK OB standalone ( has a problem with Attack values for the Filter and User Envs (Amp env is unaffected) on my AK using 1.51C

Click-dragging the Attack’s handle works, but click-dragging its number box sends the value straight to 64 and won’t move. This change is sent to the AK rather than just a visual glitch in OB.

Click-dragging the Attack’s breakpoint handle to 0 and then double-clicking its number box means it will stay at 0 – but dragging the handle to e.g. 1 and then double-clicking its number box, the setting jumps to 64. Seems like an error with the default value (should be 0, wants to be 64…?)

Anyone else seeing this? cheers

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Borked on A4 Mkii too for the second and third Envs

pinging @Patrik in case this is missed with it not being an established bugs thread


Thanks dude

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