Analog Keys vs. A4 mk2 + midi keyboard

As the title says, I am debating between these two options…as I have about 8 hours to decide whether or not to get an Analog Keys for about $700 in great condition.

I was going to get an mk2 soon…but this offer made me think if the AK might not be the better solution.Then again, I have other keyboards that I could hook up to an mk2…so what would I loose in terms f functionality?

What would you do AK $700 vs A4 mk2 $1100-1200 ? Who of you had both?

Sorry I know these topics exist somewhat…but maybe there is some info out there I haven’t yet discovered.
Thanks for your help!

just my 2 cents: The keyboard has LEDs so if you program a sequence you can see which note is played or on a trig. It has external MIDI mode so you can also use it as a master keyboard. From a sound perspective AFAIK it is almost identical to the MKII and the only difference was a different distortion setting. Maybe someone else will comment on it.

Only downside I can see is that the display is “old style” and not OLED and it will fade at some point I guess and not good to see from every angle. And it is BIG :slight_smile:

And I think only the A4K has individual outs?


True, the LEDs seem great. And yes, the display is the biggest con for me about the AK.
Both units have individual outs only the mk1 doesn’t (although possible with mods).
I was wondering if there are more little workflow differences I have not thought about?

Expression pedal / CV input is one difference - the ladder filter/OD do sound enhanced - There’s an on board performance Macro knob and a few more buttons to make some commands easier to get to

It’s obviously easier to have the joystick for AK level of hands-on control, but in theory you can rig up an equivalent XY control targeting the same two midi control messages (MW/Breath iirc)

Box + Keys is never as simple, but then you have other issues with space etc

There’s something to both and OB is superior on Mkii - Mkii will probably life better as well and if you damage the AK keyboard, it’s a pretty big desktop unit !


I really wish Elektron would package two of these units into a new updated KB, the “Analog 8 Keys Mk2”, would be a cracking synth. closely considered poly chaining two of them to get extra voices.


I dont think the led display is significant to stop you buying a keys. Its not modern. But so what? It still is easy enough to navigate.

I have back issues already and people mentioned having to lean over to see the screen…that’s why it’s a bit of a concern for me.

@avantronica thanks for the info…indeed the pedal input seems quit interesting from what I remember.
About the OB differences, what makes the mk2 superior in that?

@echothief me too :wink:

The Mk1 operates at USB1.1 speed and the Mk2 at USB2 - so there’s no need for picking channels for the ‘restrictive’ bandwidth - plus it’s just going to deliver the experience progressively better over time as some future OB enhancements may preclude ‘legacy’ Mk1s

AK is also USB 2.0 and it has the same Bass response update the MK2 is famous for

its like a Keystep pro with better Keys, Joystick, built in power supply, track selection to the left, midi mode, split, individual outs, overbridge.


The hardware is USB 2 but it’s throttled to 1.1 speeds on the A4K … thus referencing ‘operates’ !

The AK circuit is not the same as the Mk2, the mk2 has a completely new filter/overdrive circuit, the AK only had a bit of finessing on its output afaicr, but it did not have the circuit changes introduced on the Mk2 filter/overdrive

There’s a huge difference between the two, there’s relatively minimal difference between the A4 mk1 and AK so shared sounds will be audibly comparable (they’re compatible), the same cannot be said for the Mk2 to Mk1, they need not sound similar depending on filter/drive settings … they share vastly more than they don’t, but the filter is an important part of the output, especially taken away from vanilla settings


I think the ergonomics are better on the mkii, better screen, and performance knob seems nice, some extra buttons.
I still wouldn’t swap for my AKeys though. I *love * the joystick integration, the LEDs are helpful, and it’s a quality MIDI controller in its own right.


Re the screen, LCD seems less prone to ghosting than Oled IME. Also you can angle the AK to get a better viewing angle and ergonomics.

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that’s interesting…what do you think you’d loose by going for an mk2 + midi controller?

Luckily no one else pulled the trigger on the AK yesterday, so I have at least another day to decide…
if only the price difference wasn’t so huge, the decision would be much easier. But my grey OT mk2 is asking for another grey box I think. Again comin at ya with the first world problems :wink:

The nice thing about the Keystep 37 is that it will sit right up in front of an Elektron device and the combo is small. The AK is much bigger than a K37 + A4, but then you get full sized keys and more sophisticated master keyboard options.

The AK button layout is also different from both the A4 and A4mk2. I like having the tracks on the left, but you may not.

Finally, the AK has a cut-out under the keys, meaning that if you want to put it on any kind of stand it either needs to be as wide as the AK or have a tiny lip so it doesn’t block key action.

I really like the AK format. If it wasn’t an option, my next choice would be A4Mk2 + K37. I’m already using the K37 with my OT and other synths. Given my space constraints, I only use the AK in standalone mode - for now.

If I could change one thing about the AK, or make a suggestion for the next keyboard it would be to add a Pro3 / Minimoog hinge.

Seems fine to me next to my Gray OT Mk2


The joystick on the AK is the bomb, hands down blows away trad mod wheels. I’d only use an external keyboard if I felt a need for more than 37. Which I don’t because I mostly use it as 4 monosynths.


I much prefer mod-sticks as well…worst case I got one on my Trinity that I could use with the mk2 if I went went that route.

@obscurerobot really seems to me that everybody who has the AK, loves the AK.

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I really like the joystick too, shame Elektron never utilised its push-click feature - would’ve been great to click-lock the current xy position in place without having to hold it there.

@obscurerobot lovely setup! Nice AK sticker too :slight_smile:


Right, that’s the miss. You have to let go sometimes to use both hands and the sound snaps to default.

They also chose just the right shape, at least for my hands. For example, I can set the pitch bend to 2 semitones, and reliably pitch bend to a half tone by placing my thumb to the right of the stick, so that it stops it from going all the way to two semitones. I can even get a decent subtle vibrato that way. With a pitch wheel no matter how much I practiced I can never reliably hit fractional tones. or a smooth vibrato.

Only other thing I liked was a Clavia pitch stick. The standard pitch mod layout via the minimoog is pretty useless to me.

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Quick conclusion:
the trigger has been pulled on an…Analog Keys for $625 including shipping (¥72000)

I figured it’s going to be harder and harder to come by these in future, but I’d still be able to get an mk2 if I wanted to.

Thanks for all of your input!


I would still instantly buy an Analog Eight Keys. Or even an Analog Six Keys. Aim it as a competitor to the Sequential 6-voice line. Lots of companies are making keyboards again, not just modules. I think it would be a success.

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