Analog mk2 grey and black comparison


The sexy goth looks good by the photocopier.

Surprisingly, as an owner of a grey A4, who loved the look of the new black analogs and wondered why elektron had made the orginal ones in office colours-I find looking at the pictures of the grey and black analog together- the grey looks better. Though the combination might be the answer.


In case anyone ends up here and wonders what the opposite looks like! :laughing:


Hmmm…I just realized that the surface of the black MK2s are prone to fingerprints… stains / are really tough to keep clean. Not only dust but also all sorts of smearing is reducing the joy :grinning: My Digitone/Digitakt look like new without cleaning them (besides blowing some dust off) - after years. A4 looks like it could get a thorough clean soon after 1-2 weeks.

I guess I like the black … but this is a dealbreaker for me. I will switch to the grey MK2s I think. Then again… oh damnit. Any tips for cleaning? :grinning:

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Have you tried a humid microfiber cloth?

Grey MK2…not available anymore…only black… :unamused:


They go for pretty good prices used though. Seems most users prefer the black at the moment. They’ll come around though :wink:

I may be biased, as I own both of the grey mkii’s, I think the grey just looks sharper/more refined than the black


Hmmm i don´t see any for a good price s/h so far. Would like to trade in for a Maschine+…
Lowest i could find was 1280.-€ in Germany. For MK2 black ppl ask 1450…
1589 new…ouch…

The black is pretty sharp IRL. It’s a shade darker than the digitakt/digitone. Has a bit of a stealth bomber look to it. I do love the light grey more though. More unique.

@plusn if you’re looking for a grey rytm DM me. I switched to a mk1 recently.

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Grey OT 1100€ new in France. Not sure they will ship to EU.

I have the Analog in grey. Not seen the black version in person but did own a Digitakt. From a visual accessibility point of view I much prefer the grey as I can easily locate the buttons. I can’t read the labels well so I rely on memory of button placement. The black on grey helps with that. When I owned a Digitakt only seeing the lights looked cool but was overwhelming.

If the MK2s were only in black, I would have gone for it still.

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I really don’t get the hype about the black versions. They look nice but they just feel so standard to me, i.e. the new MPCs, Ableton Push, Maschine etc. (or even just a good old PC…)

The grey versions looks simply amazing! I believe they have a timeless design, and are in the same league as the MCP60 or the Machinedrum.


This is the combo I ended up with, exact same placement on the desk as well (side-by-side on the far right end) :joy:

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Rytm with dark pads liked the mpc would finish it off tho!

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I agree, I much prefer the grey Analogs, there’s something retro-utilitarian about them that’s cool.
I recently upgraded my black MPC Live 2 for the Retro version for the same reasons that I’m happy to stick with the grey Analogs.

I’d love Elektron to use the same Analog form factor and do an Octatrack and an expanded 32-voice Digitone…preferably in grey.


I would switch my Live for the Retro if it also had backlit buttons… I guess that’s not very old school but I like it when using in the dark :slight_smile:

I now have both in black haha and I had to space them out because I have the A4 doing CV duties with the SH-101 and they’re so big, they’re kinda their own “zone” haha. I like the mismatch look though and I actually wanted to just buy the grey RYTM but they were sold out everywhere in the US!

Two analog 4 mk2’s, 1 in grey, 1 in black. I’m silly.

Now Elektron bring me some polychain please :pray:

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just noticed the white keys on the grey A4 are black on here which is kinda lame IMO, they even got rid of the blue button on the AR :frowning: