Analog RTYM MK1 KITS not saving synth trigger settings with kit

Hello. I’m having an issue with my Rtym when using sampling. The first pattern A1 I have all the SYN triggers set to 0 so no synths machines are being played and I have samples loaded. I save the kit as KIT 1 when choosing the next pattern A2 the samples from the kit are still as they should be but now the SYN control in the trig menu is set to 1 on all the pads and they are playing the synth machines.

This only happens when I’m making a new pattern from scratch. If I copy the pattern A1 where I made the kit and paste it to a separate pattern it will play with only the samples and not the synth.

I’m trying to prep for a live set by making a bunch of different kits that I can use and make patterns with along all the banks it’s probably gonna be a huge pain if I have to go into each pattern after loading a kit and redo every thing. Any help or words of advice would be greatly appreciated

Maybe try turning the synth volume down (or synth engine off) as part of the track sound, rather than locking the trigs

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Turning the synth volume down sounds like it will work. I don’t know if I explained correctly but I am turning the synth engines off they just turn back on. Thanks for the response

From what you’ve described, it sounds like your track “Sound” is expecting to always play the synth engine because the synth part is turned on with volume up at the source.

The only thing stopping the synth sound in pattern A1 are the trigs which are all manually telling the sound not to play the synth sound via plocks, on A2 I assume there are no trigs with plocks which means any trigs will play the synth unless you manually plock each trig

If you save the track sound with no synth volume it will not ever play the synth sound unless you plock synth volume up

If you don’t ever plan to use the synth sound you can turn synth off on the Trig screen so no trigs will make the synth play (without worrying about synth volume)

his problem describes the „default“ behavior of trig settings.

instead of

Synth (0) / Sample (1)


Synth (1) / Sample (0)

but the OP needs a way to save the first settings like globally for all new patterns as a default

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Yes like @JohnnyEgo describes I don’t have any triggers on the pattern. The synth engine is set to (0)/off in the trig menu when the kit is saved and keeps switching back to (1)/on when starting a new pattern.

Not really, all you’re doing is applying a sequencer level toggle, nothing to do with the kit, like all other parameters on that page

If you want the synth to be absent either turn its source (SRC) level to zero - or switch the machine type to DISABLE (double-tap-SRC)

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