Analog Rtym mk1 Time Signature(7/4)

So I am looking for some help with achieving a 7/4 time signature across scale mode 1:4-4:4

What I’m doing currently is setting the step length to 14/16 which works great but when I try to copy this onto the next section of the pattern (2:4) the step length returns back to 16/16.

I want it to be 14/16 on each segment of the scale mode and can’t figure it out.

Also I apologize if my terminology is off I’m not currently in front of my AR

The Pages don’t work that way. They’re not distinct bars. They are Elektrons way of showing you all the steps in your pattern.

The typical timing (the default) is to have a max division of 16ths. 4 beats of 16th notes is 16 steps. 7 beats of 16th notes would be 28 steps. You’d set the Pattern length to 28/32 (because you need 28 steps but the sequencer can only show you pages up to 16 long, so you need 2 pages). Page 1 will show beats 14 (16ths 1-16), Page 2 will show beats 5-7 (16ths 17-28).

Two bars of 7/4 with 16ths subdivisions would need 56 steps. You would set the pattern length to 56/64.

Does that makes sense?

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It doesn’t make sense to me. So if I wanted 3 bars of 7/4 I would have 16/16 on the first page then 5/16 on the second to make - total of 21 steps?

I’m hoping there is a way that I can have 14 steps on each page but your saying it doesn’t work that way and the first beat of the bar won’t always be on the first step of the page?

That’s correct: the pages in the Elektron sequencer don’t correspond to bars. There is only the total number of steps in the pattern (or each track if the pattern.

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That’s right, it doesn’t work that way. If you want a total of 28 steps, with an elektron sequencer you must have 16 on the first page and the remaining 12 on the second page.

The elektron sequencer is not very friendly to time signatures that are not based on powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16 …)


Okay thank you!