Analog Rytm & Analog Four. Transformed

DFAM is what I have plugged into my AR to sample :slight_smile:


very nice! i want to get a DFAM now :smiley:

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seriously first the underlines and now the black doesnt match the digitakt digitone perfectly, and now there is a chance the lights are not as bright as on the digitakt/tone (although i think i noticed the lights softer on the 120a update)ā€¦ i dont have OCD I just have a strong aversion for designers twiddling things that dont need touching , ill have mine in a week i shall update you on my mental health when it arrives.

looking forward to see / read another opinion/proof. I really donā€™t get it as well. The designers should stick to their colour palettes / design.

Iā€™ve got my A4 MK2 black and I have to admit itā€™s a beauty but I donā€™t have my previous MK1 or Digitone so I canā€™t compare

Who said the black doesnā€™t match DT/DN? The lights were dimmed from the grey versions (a very good thing imo). But the black paint is exactly the same afaik.

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under the pics

Hmm, itā€™s pretty vague, almost like the poster couldnā€™t tell. Maybe itā€™s a case of one being more used than the other so slightly lighter :thinking:

yeah agreed its vague ā€¦ plus the light/angle and stuff to consider. fingers crossed

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poetry like that is what keeps me lurking elektronauts, new colour coating on synths canā€™t compete :lizard:


Both units are brand new, I have sensitive eyes. The only way to truly tell is natural sunlight because my room is dim but Iā€™m too lazy for that.

The ARMKII, at the very least and more confidently, has a smoother surface than the Digitakt, just like the grey version. The smoother surface regardless of color matching likely affects the way light bounces off the surface introducing the subtle difference I speak of.


Thanks for clarifying! Still, Iā€™m so anal that it looks like I wonā€™t be able to return to Digis ever again after my new AR arrives. If I ever want an Elektron synth itā€™s going to have to be A4 :sweat_smile:

i probably would get it if it has some new features

Look at how sexy it is!


The Digiā€™s are much easier and immediate to program than the Analog series

Oh I know. Had both of them. Was half joking about not being able to use two Elektrons that have slightly different shades of black :slight_smile:

They are exactly the same to program, just more features on the analogs and have kitsā€¦


It is not the feature, it is the layout, I found them quicker less menu driven.

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The Rytm is nearly identical to the digitakt but has an extra page for the analog synth.
And the A4 is nearly identical to the digitone but has extra pages for envelope and arpā€¦
So pretty much the same workflow just extra features and dedicated buttonsā€¦
The digi are no more direct than the analog to useā€¦
if anything the analog are more direct to use with extra buttons

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Ugh. Iā€™m so tempted to pick up an AFii now. Help! (Thatā€™s my wallet squealing)