Analog Rytm & Analog Four. Transformed

do it.



i am sorry but the kit system on a4 is extremely clunky compared to digitakts digitone system. you really have to watch what your doing and spend an inspiration diminishing time trying not to ruin another track by editing an associated kit. the only way to give a4 a similiar simpler and faster method is to go through every bank and pattern and assign a seperate kit. bank A pattern 01 = Kit 01 /// Bank A pattern 2 = Kit - 02. I admit it is functional to be able to change a kit in one place and it changes across the patterns (song), BUUT as riuzami said the Digitakts ARE much esier and immediate than the analog series.

Kits are about as complicated as tying your shoe laces.
Press yes+save and add a name, how is that difficult to understand?..
it says on the screen what kit you are usingā€¦ took me 1 day to figure out
They are also extremely useful, so sorry I disagree and think the extra buttons make it more direct to use the analogsā€¦


noone said complicated, and i agree with you the analogs require you to tie your shoe laces, of which the takt tone does not

I like the digi series Iā€™ve got them alsoā€¦ but to make out the digis are so direct and immediate and the Analogs are not is not trueā€¦ when they work exactly the sameā€¦
Having kits is a bonus to use sounds across multiple patterns if you wantā€¦ not so difficult

On the AK that command will overwrite the active kit (no option to name it). Different on mkII?

yeah you are right, it just saves the current kit,
you press function + kit select a slot name it.
my point was its not difficultā€¦

I feel like in the middle of a kafka novel. ( crazy laughter)

Yes, it mostly just feels difficult, but also it is difficult, because (just one ex ample) if I make a plock on some trigs ( crazy idea i knowā€¦) and accidently or because no risk no fun, life is short, jump to another pattern, the only thing i can do now is reload the whole project and pray that I saved it in the right moment.

The question that I probably will take into my grave is :
Would it be difficult ( or tecnically impossible) to give the possibility to disable pattern autosave?
If not, why is it not implemented?

On tr8 roland gave the possibility to disable pattern autosave in one of the first upgrades.
There I dont care because its wysiwyg.

I hate autosave everywhere, elektron, roland, apple , doesnt matter, but mostly on elektron because I love the rest of the box and sequencer. would be the same on the digis, less complex there I readā€¦
Greeting from the swiss alps across the ocean

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Im a bit over this argument tbh, people are welcome to have their own opinionsā€¦

but this statement shows the fact you dont understand how it worksā€¦
spend a little time getting to know how kits work and then you dont have to think about it again

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Yes but the slightest adjustment of a single sound in a kit requires you to save the kit as a new kit (if you want to save it. With the Digitone you can make all the adjustments you want to each pattern without having to worry about saving kits. Kits are handy I guess but I like the Digi way.

the point of kits is to adjust the sound and have it change over the patterns that share the kitā€¦
that would be desirable, but if you want to have a different sound on another pattern you save a new kitā€¦ I like having the optionā€¦

on the A4 you can set up a performance macro that can go across mulitple patterns that have different notesā€¦ not possible with digiā€¦ then you can make it change to a new kit on the next pattern with new macros etc


Yes, I wrote, mostly its a feeling of insecurity that maybe isnt reality.
I know, aditionaly i can push a trig and push down encoder to find and erase plocks for example (maybe)
But in general plocks are saved with pattern and pattern are autosaved
I learned to live with it, since 6 years ( often just not turning on a4 and read the manual or elektronauts instead, not buying other elektrons, but also for exampke utlize copy, reloadā€¦paste pattern

Main question remains why can p autosave not be disabled ( like kit in seq menu or better in general)

To look at the project mananger like on a daw as you suggested somewhere els helped me a bit as a nice picture. Thanks Load from and other names and stuff is to get used toā€¦

kit reload on chg?

I dont understand why you would make a pattern and not want it saved?
cant you just copy a pattern and paste it to new one then change and alter that?
if it were that way, if you forget to save then change pattern it would all be lost

Yes I learned over the years writing my mantra here and annoying people( sorry again its just that i love the rest of elektron)
many (most?) people like it as it is.
To me thats a enigma why , but ok

I talk about jamming with a already existing pattern, jamming without worrying to not jump to another pattern accidently or using plocks, track, chains and pattern jumps all together and if i have a nice pattern with kit do a save as.
Turning on the a4 i mostly create a new kit and pattern and end naming it justatest5 at the end. ( or i do my copy, reloadā€¦++ā€¦ paste operationā€¦ if i forget to begin with a copy , before turning off the ritual is reload pattern and kitā€¦)

To the other poster, yes sorry i was talking about that. In seq config kit reload on change.

is there a tecnical reason its not possible pattern reload on change?

I would prefer disable autosave in general

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I think I understand now, you would like reload patterns on change?
Maybe that might be a nice feature I donā€™t know without trying it I would hate to forget to save a pattern though.
you do have pattern reload so you can save it change the trigs then jump back to the saved state, you could also just make copies of the pattern and jump back to the originalā€¦
I guess it was not how it was designed to be used, there are other cool things you can do like direct jump & temp jump, pattern reload, kit reload etc so plenty of other ways to use them

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Sorry yes.
In an ideal elektron world for me
Possibility to ( so were both happy)
Disble autosave in general ( like on my bassstation, tanzbƤr, dominon1, korg er1)
Save on a number or spot only if i want or like what iv e done.
(I know its there in project manager, i should shut up, do music and save my project on a usb stick. If i change cutoff a bit, it sounds cool, and i think before it was also cool i could copy save and lock the whole project.
I do that in bitwig often ( naming the project noisetest31cutoff2)
( or do c reload paste pattern on a4ā€¦ i know, but to be safeā€¦)

Less ideal :
in seq config below kit reload on change ability to tick
Pattern reload on change

Yes exactly a LOT of cool things, making get lost + mess up stuff with a pattern jump more possible. I just write again because elektron still updates and cares

Its mostly the fragile feeling

If its tecnically not possible ok

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What is ideal for one person, is not ideal for another.
CanĀ“t make both happy.


Mostly, yes, thats right.
Roland aira engineers in their white coats can make both happy.
On tr8 pattern autosave can be disabled.
(It was a upgrade)
They call it lock pattern.
Just as I said, there I dont care, i only use one pattern and one kit and change those for the moment, nothing worth saving there. on a4 yes stuff worth saving is possible.
Cruel worldā€¦


Copy and paste pattern sounds like the closest solution. I noticed that sometimes with my Elektron - the inspiration is there to run and begin to experiment - but quickly first - save, or copy paste, or do what is relevant, then begin to move away.

You should submit a feature request ticket to Elektron through the official channels in their website not in the forum. Itā€™s a nice idea and has some merit, who knows it could be an easy setting to implement, or they may suggest you a solution.