Analog Rytm and Ableton - Unstoppable Force!

Owned the Rytm Mk1 twice and never really got away with it, I was using it in a strictly live performance scenario at the time.
Recently bought a Mk2 and I’m using it as a production tool with Ableton and My God!
Overbridge is amazing, I can modulate anything on the Rytm with as many LFO’s and envelopes as I want using Ableton, turns it into an almost Modular synth type monster!
I was always a bit underwhelmed with the raw analogue sounds but as soon as you process them with some tasty plugins then open right up and sound amazing! fabfilter compressor and New Fangled audio saturate on the kick drums makes them into absolute beasts that just cant be replicated by my old work horse Kick 2.
This is a definite keeper now - oh and the sampling over USB ha ha ha, make anysound in ableton and sample with a couple of button presses!

best drum machine ever!


Never used it with Overbridge, but wait, you can apply more LFOs ? Or you mean the parameter automation?


You can automate any parameter on the overbridge VST with as many LFO’s and Envelopes as you want using Ableton, its unreal!
Its a whole other level using this with a DAW! Get it hooked up and give it a go!


I assume this is also possible with a Rytm MK1?


So you can map the Max for Live LFO/Envelope tools to parameters in the OB plugin, effectively adding infinite modulation options to the RYTM.

Sounds like a fkn blast OP.


Hold on! Is that true?

How could I not know that? I’ve never seen people doing that.


I use it all the time! I always add Max4Live Lfo’s to automate more parameters, same with DN




Yeah same, been always crying about LFO limitations and havent even thought about Overbridge as part of the workflow.

But there should be any unpleasant surprises with Ableton + OB, shouldnt they? Anything

Maybe CPU limitation?

Not really. One thing to remind is avoiding to get the audio out from Rytm + Ableton outputting Rytm at the same time, or you’ll get some phasing artefacts.


Should be the same as mapping them to any plug-in right? I’ve never done it myself, currently don’t have any elektron gear but makes sense in my head.

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In mine too, but I usually doubt of things so obvious and good like that.

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Don’t forget about about Expression Control too :+1:


what’s the process to use sampling over Usb from ableton to RYTM? I like using overbridge along w ableton for production just never used the rytm sampler with ableton yet. curious your process there. :slight_smile:

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Yep, sure can!

use the Rytm as your sound card and any sound coming from the computer over usb can be sampled just by arming the sampler and setting the threshold, couldn’t be any easier!


nah it all works great!

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cool. I will have to play with that! this may sound like a dumb question, but are you then having to plug your monitors from your regular audio interface directly into your RYTM for that session then?

cause the way Im thinking right now, is making an aggregate device that includes the RYTM as part of it, and that way the outputs become available in ableton without having to switch my monitor setup.

Yeah aggregate is a good way to go on the Mac :slight_smile:
Easy to set up and works a treat :slight_smile: