Analog Rytm audio routing bug

Ok, well here’s a nice workaround. Visit the presets project, which doesn’t have this issue, then create a new project from there. Your new project won’t have this issue either.

I can’t imagine that is what’s necessary but obviously can’t discount your similar experiences as being real. But it seems odd that it could actually necessitate return.

In such circumstances it might be best to describe the minimum steps required from a fresh project to replicate this. Obviously standalone and document every step, that way others can see if there’s has an anomaly or whether it is settings related etc … either way it’s the quickest way to a solution.

Documenting steps shouldn’t take too long, but be sure to do the least possible … maybe this has been done via support but there are no steps above for others to attempt to recreate from a fresh starting point. The more reports you get the better it’ll be for achieving resolution you’d imagine


The main issue with “steps to reproduce” in a fresh project here is that it appears to affect new projects, but seems to depend where you created that new project from.

For example, I’ve got a project named Squarp that has all my kits in that I sequence externally. This project has that audio routing problem, and if I Load Project/New Project from there, the new project seems to inherit the issue – I can’t de-route SD from main.

If, however, I load up Presets (and de-route everything from main to check there is no problem), and then create a project from there, the new project seems to inherit the “this works now” condition from Presets.

The issue then becomes “well how did Squarp stop working in the first place?”

Was it always there from inception? Or did some condition come into play intra- or extra-Squarp to “break” that project? I suspect that part of things will be an awful lot more difficult. It does seem on the face of it that projects inherit the behaviour of the last project you were in, though. (of course the law of the demo will dictate that I find a counter-case to this tomorrow!)

I’m glad to have found a workaround; the Rytm is plugged into all 8 channels of a Clarett OctoPre and a patchbay just arrived such that I can lose the cowbell in favour of an 0-Coast or a Minimoog every now and then, so I was busily seriously plumbing everything in on a permanent basis. I very much hope this is a “get enough reports, await a patch, use the workaround” rather than a return.

So it sounds like you’re saying that there’s no issue if you start from fresh, which makes it sound like it’s a software thing … if there’s a corruption or bug in the problematic source project then that’s surely all you’d need to send to Elektron

This doesn’t help you make yourself a new template project, but perhaps you could explore exporting constituents (rather than all of it, put it into a fresh project) of the problematic source project one by one and see if the issue still occurs

It may be that it’s still possible to ‘trick’ a new working project into doing this; that’s the info Elektron would need, but that may be tricky to recreate if you don’t know what triggers it, but it appears to relate to your workflow

It’s not that uncommon that OT ‘projects’ get corrupted, maybe something is happening over time that either results in an issue or a corruption, but I just don’t see that this is shouting ‘hardware’ or what can be tested, but Elektron can obviously see and investigate more aspects than the users can - maybe even from just sending them a corrupting project

Yeah, strong agree. All of this looks like firmware, or at the very outside, storage.

I can always recover things, as you say, into a non-poisoned project with SysEx. You do wonder if you can “export” the poison though. We’ll see, I guess. In the meantime, a workaround seems to exist.

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I got the same problem
did you guys found out a solution or had any aswer from Elektron ?
Running 1.61B

Last I heard was a couple of weeks ago that with my .syx project they’d managed to reproduce it. They’re still recommending a factory reset to me, which I’ve not got round to.

I now reckon I managed to cause it to this one project (that then infects projects created from it) with a rogue stream of MIDI data from a (temporarily) misconfigured Squarp Pyramid…

I have this same issue with the BD track always coming through the main overbridge outs, regardless of routing settings, and found this thread. Did you ever get a resolution from Elektron support?


I didn’t. But it’s kind of somehow good that you’re getting the same.

If you start a new project it will most likely go away. But it’s annoying if you have loads of Patterns and kits in the project that is. Luckily for me when I’m multitracking I don’t really use the rytm effects.

The solution with elektron was to send it to them. But I’d be without it for ages so I put it off. Might send it soon as the lack of one machine often inspires me more with other ones.

Sorry that isn’t very helpful! Please post on here if you get any info about it.

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Thanks for the reply, I’ll try starting a new project. Interesting that they suggested to send it back, I never would have thought it were a hardware issue.

I typically use Ableton effects but I haven’t really dug deep into the compressor or distortion, plus I’m missing a big part of the machines potential in fx locks and other features. I wish this were happening on the cowbell track or one of the toms instead of the kick.

Hi there.

I’m experimenting the same issue on track 6. I see a green light on the sequencer part when nothing is engaged. I supposed that it was related to a rogue MIDI configuration, but the issue still be when I unplug every MIDI cables.

Does anyone find an solution to this issue ? (I really wonder if it’s a software bug or if it’s related to a misconfiguration from my setup …) .

Thanks you

Thanks for this, at least it works for me. I made a default template with my MIDI and Audio routing settings from the preset project, and import any new projects from here.
So your issue investigation was not vain.

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I love it when this happens. I hope we get a fix, but it seems like one of those things that’s just a nightmare to reproduce (though my strong reckon is that it was me figuring out how to sync Logic with a Squarp Pyramid and I produced a MIDI loop with so much data in it that it crashed both the Pyramid and the Rytm, after which the project was Never Quite The Same)

Ough quite frightening to break two gears with MIDI loops :open_mouth:

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I’m struggling with this issue, too. it turned up this week. My Rytm MKII is about 2 years old.

MIDI was unplugged; USB was unplugged. The bug appeared after I changed a voice routing. I wanted to send a 303-like sound out to a separate distortion effect, so I set up my kit to NOT use global audio routing settings, and then took Track 3 out of Main and FX. This worked as expected. Then I realised that using T3 for acid meant I couldn’t also use the clap Machines, so I copied my 2VCO sound to T2 and updated the audio routing. At that point, the bug appeared: T2 now comes out of Main and FX at the defined level if I explicitly route to Main (have the pad turned on); it also comes out of Main at full volume if I (attempt to) explicitly remove the routing to Main.

I tried these two steps, also:

  • making a new kit (starting at the one which “broke”): this continued the problem
  • loading the Presets project, then creating a new project: this gave me a kit that didn’t exhibit the bug

I’ve started a support request.

I heard back from Elektron support. They told me they are aware of the issue and working on a firmware fix.


Preparing for a gig at the end of the month, and it’s just happened to me.
All outputs have individual channels with the master out taking effects to a spare stereo channel on the desk (in this case a Mackie’s Aux 1 return) and the MT/HT thunder through even when disabled from the main output.
I’d love to just start a new project and see if it buggers off, but I’ve got everything in place for use and this isn’t really the time to be messing around to make new patterns for a show…

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Starting a new project didn’t fix it for me. It would be great if there were a firmware fix

Even in a new project, for me there were issues.
It seems interesting that different people have it impact them on different tones/pads/outputs.
I wondered if there was maybe an issue with the socket itself but the audio comes through that just fine, and setting up with fresh gloabal settings doesn’t make a difference. Quite a shame given the multiple outputs were the primary reason for me getting one of these…

This seems to have worked, though I couldn’t locate it without first undergoing a series of issues with Overbridge being awkward.
When I switch programme, everything reverts to how it was previously set up, so it seems to be very much a per pattern option…

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