Analog Rytm audio routing bug

Hi all!

I’m having a really weird thing happen with my Rytm mk2

I’ve disabled all tracks to the master output. I use audio over usb in ableton. Basically I only have the effects coming out of the master so I can have them on a separate track should I want to record them if they were made when away from the computer.

Anyway. I can’t stop the BD track from playing out of the master! I’ve tried everything. I’ve enabled and disabled in from being sent. I’ve tried trying to recreate the same thing with other tracks and got nothing. I’ve tried it away from the laptop and just straight out of the headphone jack or main outs. But it just won’t stop coming out! And strangely, when I do enable it in the routing menu, it then comes out quieter. What’s going on???


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Could your DAW config be routing it back to the AR?


No - I’ve tried it away from the laptop totally on its own with headphones. Same issue.

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Same issue here. Only occurs on one project. If I disable audio routing to SD, it shows up full volume on Stereo Main – I can’t even alter its pan L/R. If I enable audio routing to main, pan works again. All the other disabled tracks don’t come through on main. It’s driving me batty!

EDIT: now occurring on all projects

Is it set to “use global setting” in audio routing? Also, what if you create a new kit within the same project, same result?

I’m not quite sure, but I vaguely remember having a similar problem, and midi having something to do with this. Could you check if track 1 is sending midi out, and the sound stops if you turn this off?

I remember turning the midi out off on track 1 solved something for me once, not sure of the mechanics anymore…

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Checked the tracks, none was sending MIDI.

@haircut, I can’t find a “use global setting” in audio settings. I vaguely remember there might have been one at some point but not sure it exists post-1.50?

EDIT: found it, see below


This didn’t get resolved for me. I spoke to Elektron and troubleshooted the issue - back to factory settings and reloaded all projects etc but its still there.

Just waiting for a time it won’t ruin my life too hard to send it over to Sweden. Gutted

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Oh no. This doesn’t sound good :frowning:

Im sure I tested at length last time. But checking again now it isn’t happening on my newer project. Not the presets/demo project either.

It’s happening on all new projects I create now.

I might have to take advantage of the fact that individual outs are fixed level and turn down the volume of the SD track. Not really a fix but hey

Hey! I hooked the Rytm up to Overbridge (it normally lives on MIDI and 10-input audio alone) and found this setting on the Kit page:

I switched this off and it fixed my issue, thank you!

It also gave me a clue on where to find the Global setting, and it’s buried under FN+KIT/Track Routing/Use Global Setting.

So it looks like there’s some kind of bug with the global setting (which is still unusable for SD), but you can override it on a per-kit basis, which is a very useful workaround.

EDIT: Ah no, I spoke too soon. It worked precisely ONCE, after which it stopped working for SD just as Global did.

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Oh maaaaan I thought you’d cracked it and I wasn’t going to have to send my rytm from England and back which is notoriously difficult at the moment. Damn. Rollercoaster!

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Yes, but what if you go into the settings (press the button that has a gear icon and says “Save Project” under it - for MKII anyway), arrow down to audio routing and check the options on that page (use the RYTM pads to enable or disable audio routing and FX routing)? Have you tried that?

Yes, that was the first thing I tried. That is the global routing.

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I imagine you already checked this, but I didn’t see it mentioned above: AR provides you with four different “global slots” to define track routing settings for a project. I had routing issues in the past that were related to having selected different global slots across projects.

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When you change a global slot (which is per-project global, not per-machine global) all you do with respect to routing is move in a different set of routings to the Audio Routing page – a different set of green lights lights up there.

And yes, tried it, and turning the SD pad off and on again (no green light/green light) exhibits the same behaviour @Thomaspatrick has seen on his BD – which is to say, inexplicably louder when off, pan settings no longer apply (though still respects track level).


Another point that comes to my mind concerns routing of tracks to fx. Is your SD turned off in fx routing as well? Apologies if this is too basic as a suggestion… (but it would at least explain why pan doesn’t work)

Yes, I left routing to effects off. It’s annoying, as one of my favourite tricks is modulating delay, often on snare.

If I use a snare on RS/CP, I don’t have a problem, of course :frowning:

Still no response to my support ticket, I don’t expect one till new year and then I expect I’ll be in @Thomaspatrick’s boat of having to negotiate a Brexit export for repair. Triply annoying as this unit is only a nanosecond out of warranty.

@Thomaspatrick this doesn’t happen in my presets project either. Just any new project I create. This really doesn’t feel like a hardware issue, this feels like a software bug that can ‘pollute’ content after a certain point, and a return at our respective expenses is likely only going to help with diagnosing the conditions that cause it.

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