Analog RYTM firmware loss

I recently updated my Analog RYTM mkI drum machine to the firmware version 1.61E, after finish the upgrade and playing a few minutes on it, I turned it off. A few hours later i came back to play a little more with it and It didn’t work properly, it froze on the intro screen with the logo and my computer stopped recognizing the device as a connected MIDI.
i have tried the factory reset and it drops me to the same login screen with no activity signal. it power on in apparently good conditions but nothing happen more than just the screen with the logo.

here’s a video of my problem

Try to go into test mode.
The procedure is described in the manual.
If it does not go this far.
Look for your psu, it happen that psu get old and does not give the right amount of watt or voltage had drop to an unsustainable level.