Hello - I want to save kits per pattern and I’m struggling with figuring out how to do this. I have a new project started and I have 3 kits saved so far. I want to keep kit 1 on pattern A1 and then kit 2 on pattern A2 etc. How do I make this happen? Right now every time I change the pattern the kit stays the same for each pattern. Thanks for your help!!
Hey, welcome to the forum.
So, different Elektron products handle this workflow differently.
The philosophy behind the Analog series was to allow a single kit to exist across several patterns so that if you made sonic tweaks to your kit, it WOULD affect other patterns that have that kit…which is great for workflows that use multiple patterns for the same song.
If I want a fresh pattern to have a new kit, I do this:
- Switch to new pattern
- FUNCTION + KIT (the PLAY button)
- Select LOAD KIT
- Scroll to a blank kit slot and hit YES
- Then hit YES + KIT (the PLAY button) to save kit, and YES + PATTERN (the SCENE button)
This should lock your new kit to your new pattern.
There may even be fewer steps, someone else could chime on this. But I like to be redundant and really make sure my kits and patterns are linked with no confusion.
Hope that helps.
And every time I make a change to the kit or pattern, I just instinctively his YES + KIT and YES + PATTERN to save my work.
Thanks for your kindness and instruction RhythmDroid! That did the trick and I appreciate the additional info on how the workflow can be used in both ways! I’m still getting my head wrapped around this thing in many ways, but super fun instrument so much potential.
I have another question that probably has a simple answer. I’m trying to sequence some tracks to have more than 16 steps - say 32 or 64. How do I do this as I understand each track can have up to 64 steps? Is it true some pads can keep 16 steps while others have more steps? If so how to I control steps per pad? Maybe I should post this in a new thread… Thanks for your help!
p44 of the manual. You want to look into the ‘Scale Menu’ - this is accessed by holding FUNC and Pressing the Page / Scale button. From there you can tap the Scale button to change the steps to 32, 48 or 64. Normal mode will do this for all patterns, Advanced will do it on a per track basis.
Thanks for your advice mattleaf! It looks like I needed to hit the page button to access the additional step info per track that fixed it! Cheers
He was the droid you were looking for.
- - -
Another question on this topic since it bugged me a lot during my first experience with an AR. (I have one on the way again)
I already keep a template starter project. Could I go in advanced and assign every kit to it’s corresponding pattern to achieve digi like simplicity?
What you mention about auto saving both the pattern and kit makes me think otherwise.
Do kits get saved when you save a pattern? I belive they are auto saved when you go to a new pattern.
And yes yes, I understand the value of having them separate. I’d just rather default to every new pattern having it’s own isolated kit, then choosing to change that if needed.
Aaaaannd as I’m typing this I’m realizing a problem with this idea. If part of my envisioned workflow would be duplicating patterns and making a bunch of changes to the instruments…
When I copy a pattern, it would likely bring in the associated kit messing that all up.
It will never be digi simple (sans update) so I better get used to working w kits again.
Patterns are autosaved when you change pattern, kits aren’t. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of saving your kit with the Yes+Kit shortcut. It’s easy to lose your kit changes otherwise.
Yes, I think somebody already made a template for this called “tabula rasa”, maybe give that a search.
You could just reassign the kit after you copy and paste. You can also copy and paste kits in the kit menu, if you want to make a bunch of copies to tweak and assign.