Analog Rytm Mk 2 and OB in Ableton, some questions

Im on Windows 10 and installed OB. So far all is good.Before using Overbridge, I was originally sending it clock sync from the DAW via MIDI cable and recording the individual outs. Have to say the tightness of the recordings is fantastic and I am thinking I may use overbridge from now on. This is a bit of a change, so now I am just trying to learn a few best practices and I have some questions (for those of you who stopped using individual outs and went with OB, im interested in some workflow too)

How do you all use the input routing? I don’t really get that one.

I notice setting my “route to main” and FX to 12/12 sends the signal through the MIDI channel with the OB plugin on it and I can get distortion and compression this way. I could probably get parallel compression and distortion if I send this to another audio track - is that what you all do?

The files I record from OB into ableton are dual mono, or basically look like stereo files instead of mono. Anyway I can change that to just be a single wave mono file? Just curious there since the due to this, the volume is substantially louder (2x?) than the signal coming out of my individual outs or even the overbridge plugin channel.

Its been 2 years but I used OB with Digitakt and the recorded volumes were a lot lower. I am getting -6 peak db now - pretty dramatic difference. This is more of an observation, but I was curious if anything changed there with OB.

Do any of you sync via OB plugin and still record through the individual outs? This is just curiosity. OB seems to provide lower latency and is jitter free. With sync only there is the latency of the sound coming in plus a little bit of jitter, but it’s very low. This is just me looking right now at 2 kick drums I recorded both ways.

Anyway, apologies for all the questions I just want to make sure I am doing this right. Also, I am very, very impressed so far with Overbridge. It appears to be a very very tight DAW integration!!

Hey dude

I have the rytm and had the exact same issue

@DaveMech does a good walkthrough

On my side I actually have a Q … I use Reason10 for mixing but need ableton for its VST support for multitracking from overbridge. Ableton intro says it has 16 audio and 16 midi tracks, as well as 8 mono input channels and 8 mono output channels. that is the hard limit for the price. So do 8 audio tracks listening to overbridge to multitrack part of the 16 audio track quota , and separate to the input channels? thanks

Hmmm this is nice but it doesn’t seem to answer my questions above.