Analog Rytm Mk2 + Ableton Standard 11 problem

Hi there,

I bought an analog rytm mk2 a month ago (killer machine, I know I will never sell it) and now it’s time to record it to the daw so I bought ableton live 11 standard. I have no experience with DAW so far and I believe my problem is super easy to solve, so please help me.

I plug my rytm to the computer ( asus rog , I bought this at 2021, windows 11 ) , I set rytm at that like on this video: Using Analog Rytm with Overbridge to Multitrack on Ableton Live 10 - YouTube
but the sound is distorted as hell I dont know why is that?
I set the same latency at ableton and overbridge
I reinstall the overbridge , check usb , still nothing
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smile:

It sounds as if you have monitoring on in both your DAW and your hardware settings, so it may be feeding back.

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Do you know how to solve the problem?

My ableton crushes 5 times at 30 minutes :sweat_smile:

I’m mostly a Reason user, but have have dabbled in Ableton a few times. It’s in your track’s audio settings on the Ableton side.

I also bought just Rytm Mk2 and noticed some latency issues. I have Monterey and Live 11. Anyone know the best youtube tutorial (or text) to set up overbridge correctly? I find many but none of works. Would be glad if there’s one best solution :slight_smile:

My rytm is working perfectly now.
Just set the same buffer and ableton settings as in this video:

Thanks for the video. But the issue still exists. Changing the buffer doesn’t affect to latency at all.

My setting are:

Rytm: Overbridge selected; audio routing -> individual tracks
Ableton 11: Buffer 256; Sync Clock+Transport

The audio comes through Motu M4, but it shouldn’t affect to Rytm when overbridge is on, right? If I change any latency number, nothing happens to the sync. Kick is still delayed by 45.2ms as it says also on the overbridge plugin when I hover it.

I think I solved it. Found out that you can change the buffer size in standalone overbridge app outside Ableton. When that is aligned with Ableton’s own, everything is perfectly in sync. Atleast for now :slight_smile:

It took a lot of experimenting with settings to get it setup for me, but since then (like a year ago) I’ve been completely fine other than the occasional instance of Analog Rytm stuck in “waiting” on the OB engine. Other than that smooth sailing so you should be good

Could you please post you settings so other can benefit?

@alpo I get a warning in the (standalone) OB status row when I choose a buffer size higher than 128 samples. Don’t you?

No problem I’ll upload a screenshot of everything tomorrow. Unfortunately it seems to be different for everyone depending on your computer though so no sure if my exact settings will work for you

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My settings are very simple:

Overdrive Control Panel (external app, not the vst): Plugin buffer size: 128; rest is default setting
Ableton: Buffersize 128

Some how the overdrive engine resets itself when my macbook pro goes to sleep or the screen saver activates. Then I need to revisit the over drive control panel and reselect the buffer size. After that it works again.

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