Analog Rytm mk2 ducking bass

Hi guys
How do you guys get a bass ducking on Analog Rytm mk2?
On octatrack i get it on LFO but not sure on Analog Rytm

I just want a full live set on AR MK2


parameter lock AMP Vol or any other volume effecting thing (Distortion/ Filtering)
Or Synced LFO with upsaw or exp shape


Any reason you canā€™t set an up an LFO in the same way you would on an octotrack?

I would probably try to set the speed to match the kick. Set the lfo to ā€˜freeā€™ then put a plock tigless-trig to ā€˜trigā€™ at the begging of the sequence to keep it in time

I just got a rytm and havenā€™t tried to sudo sidechain with an lfo but the compressor also works great!

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Or have two copies of the bass sound, one with instant attack and one with an attack that gives the ducked rhythm you want. If you want to use Mutes to toggle the kick, and thus toggle the ducking too, you could have the pseudo-ducked bass on the higher-priority choke pair with the fast-attack bass tone, and hit two Mute pads at once.


Another crazy option that will only work for some rhythms::

You could do it with one bass track, tooā€¦ Set all the kicks to have !FILL condition. Then set the bass track to have a two trigs for each bass note, one step apart. The ā€œon the kickā€ trigs use the pseudo-ducked sound and also the !FILL condition. The steps following use the non-ducked sound, the FILL condition and are microtimed back as far as possible. This way you could take the kick and the ducking out by holding [FILL].


You can patch a CV out triggered by kick to a CV in modulating bass amplitude. Itā€™s a little fiddly but works well once you get it set up.

