Analog Rytm MK2 left output lower than right

Hi friends,
I was always using oberbridg to rout tracks from Rytm to Ableton, everything was in balance.
However today, I tried an analog out to pass signal through preamp and found out that the left channel is 3 db lower then right ?
Headphone out sounds alright.
The plannings in my soundcard and in Ableton are centered.
What can be the issue, please advice

I guess if you first confirm that the input levels are matched (in which case if you swap the left output cable for the right output cable you would expect to see the ‘right’ channel become 3dB lower - if not and the ‘new’ left is still lower it’s elsewhere on your signal chain) … in which case, if confirmed, you should ask Support about this discrepancy and explore your options from there

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Once I had the same issue but in the end it was the input of the soundcard. Guess you tried other gear? Everything’s okay then?

I’ve tried different inputs of the soundcard. My digitone sends balanced stereo signal

I’ll definitely try it this evening, thank you.

Electron’s support is the another big issue for me.
My Rytm analog engines were defected, I’ve send them the unit for repeat in February. I received it back this summer, screws were not put back and it the machine is still open. I’m not sure that they even tested it correctly. So the issue persists, nothing was prepared. When I tried to reach them back several times to ask exchange the unit no one ever give me a y response back.
Any idea how could I deal with the problem ?
It literally stoped my project.

It’s really only Elektron support that can help you with your other issue. If they have seen it already then there should be a reply on their findings. Perhaps what might feel defective is in fact within specification if we consider that the analog voices are not ever going to be as accurate as digital ones, but without knowing your issue it’s impossible to say more. I’d say without fear of contradiction that Elektron support are highly regarded and rightly so from my own personal experience. With regards following up your initial issue it does sound odd that the screws were not seated properly, this is something i have read of once or twice on here, but this should be something you can take care of whilst you await any further response. The Elektron staff are on holiday annually each summer and this naturally creates a backlog that gets caught up with eventually.

I guess English isn’t your first language (based on word ‘substitutions’ which i can still interpret as it’s my 1st language) and it almost certainly isn’t for the Elektron staff although they will all be pretty fluent. But perhaps you could help clarify that your questions to them are not ambiguous by asking a pal to comment, just a thought if you believe the issue wasn’t understood properly.