Analog Rytm MK2- Missing Cal: Pads

Can anyone tell me if i buy a second hand RYTM MK11 and have a shop receipt a few months old will it still be covered by the warranty?Or should i buy new?thanx

Yes. You just need to register it on Elektronā€™s website.


Adding my experience to this discussion:

Just got a new AR2.
Day 1: booted fine, two or three times. Played with various features for an hour or so. No problem
Day 2: switched on, booting halted before anything showed on screen. Tapping a pad nudged it along and itā€™d boot, to the ā€œMISSING CAL: PADSā€ message. I didnā€™t try to clear the message. It did this for two or three power cycles. Then I tried switching on, leaving it a few seconds when it got stuck at the ā€œblack screenā€ and then switching it off. After a couple of those cycles it booted all the way WITHOUT the ā€œMISSING CAL: PADSā€ message. I could then use the machine ok for the time I had available.
Day 3: It booted ok. Not had time to use it much yet to check other features.

Iā€™ve lodged a ticket with Electron. Iā€™ll reply here if anything interesting turns up.

Any news?

Had mine nearly a week. Had 3 or 4 black screens on start up - hadnā€™t thought of pressing anything so just powered off and back on again. All seems ok?! Little disconcerting. Seems like this is a fairly common problemā€¦

Also same as above, CH and MT LEDs fade out every time I boot the machine

Thing is, I bloody love it so far.

OkƩ ill give my 2 cents here.

I had an rytm MKI for many years. Itā€™s the first machine I really really fell in love with. BUT there Where Always pad issues even after multiple times sending it back it never really got resolved and it always came back at some point.

The pad issues where my main reason to upgrade to the MKII. Get rid of the pad bullshit once and for all. That was the idea a least.

Right away at start up the MKII showed the pad error and issues. Iā€™ve send it back to the store and asked my money back. I would recommend everyone to so the same. (this is my personal opinion).
It seems to me that once you have a bad apple you have a bad apple. Sending it back and forth for repairs also does not do good to the machine (my MKI came back with scratches, other issues and it never really fixed the issue).

Besides having this experience with a BRAND NEW MORE THAN 1300 :euro: costing machine is NOT How it should be. Iā€™m not going through the hassle of sending it back and waiting for repairs. So I just send mine back and got my money back. Iā€™ll probably just order a new one again soon hoping to be more Luckey then.

(although my elektron hard is still disappointed that they still did not solve this issue)

In short: if this happens to Your rytm when itā€™s brand new out of the box. SEND IT BACK and ask your money back. Let them deal with their faulty products. Just order a new one yourself and hope your more lucky.

Hopefully Elektron in this way will also take This problem more seriously.

This is my opinion hope it helps.

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Thatā€™s also my experience with Elektron products. It is the best to buy with money-back-guarantee and then test it immediatly and thoroughly. If there is a problem: exchange the whole unit. (Hoping that the issue will go away with usage is wishful thinking.)

Itā€™s the same thing with OT, some have lot of problems, some are perfect. You just have to hope to not get the friday afternoon assembled unit.

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Thereā€™s a new Firmware 1.6b ā€¦maybe it fixed this ?

I Just ordered mineā€¦hope it arrives without this problemā€¦

Hopefully yours will be ok :slight_smile:

Mine came with 1.60b

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brucegill ā€¦but your also displays the Missing Cal: Pads , waning ? Even with the 1.6b ?

I have 1.60A does not display this message. Only complaint I have is different colors of the pads when lit (some cool white, some nicotine white).

I turn mine on and 3-4 times now itā€™s started up and then screens gone black. Iā€™ve not touched any buttons, just turned it off and back on again - each time itā€™s been ok after restart. If it happens again Iā€™ll press one of the pads and see what it says.

Iā€™m within my 14 day return period, so may arrange a replacement to be honest.


Do you have the USB or MIDI plugged in ? I think i read somewhere a long time ago, of some issues with some units (canā€™t remember if it was the Rytm , Four or Octatrack ???) with receiving Midi ā€¦

USB - No (learnt that lesson with my OT :slight_smile: )

Midi - Yes. Though Iā€™d hope thatā€™s not an issue on a instrument you will inevitably want to link to another via midi

Mine had 1.6B and still showed the issue.
It was not connected with anything No midi no usb.

I really think itā€™s a hardware thing

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I believe it was said to be some sort of Firmware issue , and are working on it ??? Have you contacted Support before sending it back for replacement ?

Nope, when I buy a new machine I expect it to work.
I know it sounds a bit hars but keep in mind I already went through a whole proces of sending my MKI back more than 4 timeā€™s receiving it back with scratches, other issues and it never truly resolved the pad issue.


Noā€¦itā€™s not Harshā€¦itā€™s prefectly resonable to expect a perfect (or near( working machine.

Hope mine , comes with no issues. I got a a4 mk II Black 2 or 3 months ago, and works just fine.

Hope so 2 and it probably will!

I think I just got double unlucky.