Analog Rytm MK2- Missing Cal: Pads

Mine was the black version with fw 1.60B btw

When did 1.60A come out? because the first reports of this problem already go back to 2018?

Was thinking that myself.

I wonā€™t hear from Elektron until Tuesday / Wednesday as itā€™s a Holiday this weekend.

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I think around October or November 2019 : ā€¦a few weeks after the 1.6, it was made to fix some issues.

I tested my Rytm mk2 grey which was switched off since October20

No issue here on 1.60a

I begin thinking it is an hardware issue affecting only black units because they are a new manufacturing batch.

Looking at all the posts above, itā€™s been going on for a while - before the black units arrived.

Itā€™s not every time you switch it on, itā€™s intermittent.

That said, Iā€™d really just enjoy your Rytm and not worry about it.

Will update the thread when I hear from Elektron.

I got my Digitakt out tonight for a quick play. Rytm wins for me no matter what I did :slight_smile:

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I have seen reports of the issue with the Grey Mk II Version. So itā€™s not just a Black ed issue.

This thread begain in 2018, and there were no AR MK II Black edition.

Any news about this ?

I wonā€™t hear from Elektron until tomorrow/Wednesday as itā€™s a Holiday there.

Andertons have said they are fine collecting my Rytm and sending a replacement but Iā€™m not sure how worth while this is until I hear from Elektron.

Either way, I know Iā€™ll either keep or get another Rytm as the more Iā€™ve used it the more I know itā€™s the right instrument for me. Sounds great!

Iā€™ve also not had the error since I recorded it on the link I posted above

Did you get yours yet?

Not yetā€¦

Should arrive in a day or twoā€¦from Thomann

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Just got mineā€¦it has the 1.6b.

I tried the padsā€¦for the mute issue, and everything seems fineā€¦from my understamding of this thimg :slight_smile: Havenā€™t read the Manualā€¦just looking into the Quick Guide.

No Missing Cal: Padsā€¦however ā€¦i tried to tutn it off / Onā€¦a couple of timesā€¦maybe 7 or 8ā€¦and in one of the timesā€¦the screen remained blankā€¦i turned it off and on again and it worked.

Did you have any feeback, about this ?

When the screen stays black try tapping the pads next time. 99% sure it will turn on after you do that.

same here.
after booting with this method, 100% of chance for the Missing Cal : Pads with my unit.

Given what others have heard from Elektron (including myself), it seems better to me to leave the unit off for at least 20s after you get a bad boot rather than quickly cycling it. This gives the capacitors time to discharge.

Thereā€™s a couple of us here who think the power switches sometimes latch on/off more than once during the throw from off to on. This could cause the bad boot to happen more often. I make a point of turning mine off or on with as smooth and direct a motion as I can. Iā€™ve had very few problems since the first two or three weeks, so maybe it just ā€œwears inā€ after a while.

Wouldnā€™t count on that.

Looks like an update just landed :slight_smile:


This is not BETA right ? Only the Overbridge itself is BETA, correct ?

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This should do it with the new OS (1.61) :

Bug fixes

The error message ā€œMissing Cal:Padsā€ could sometimes be erroneously displayed even though the calibration was not lost.


Really curious to hear if people still experience problems after the update!

really want a Rytm back in the house :slight_smile:

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