Analog Rytm MK2- Missing Cal: Pads

Was this something that made you step back from acquiring an AR?

Like I wrote a few days back I returned my Rytm because of the pad issue.
Had an MKI for years with faulty pads (although it was working fine in the end) >> upgraded to the MKII because of this reason >> had faulty pads first time I turned it on >> returned it

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Iā€™ve had no issues since updating 2 days ago.

This is what I got back from Elektron regarding this update:

We have made some fixes that may resolve the boot issues for OS 1.61, but we are not yet 100% sure that it does resolve it completely. Our developers are still working on a larger fix that will make it rock solid. The Missing:Cal Pads issue should be resolved now though.


Any updates here? Someone had issues after the update?
Really starting to miss my Rytm :wink:

Iā€™m not upgrading yet. Iā€™ve not had MISSING CAL: PADs for a couple of months. Itā€™s clearly not as stable a system as weā€™d like (and I say that with a lot of respect for how good it is). My ARā€™s the bulk of my music rig at the moment (all the drums, audio interface, master buss) so I donā€™t want to mess with it.

Just thought Iā€™d add details - No problems since update :slight_smile:


Great newsā€¦that includes the Boot issues seem to be Gone, also ?

No boot issues, no missing Cal Pads :smiley:



Got a replacment. Everything seems Ok, and no Boot issues with the new FW :slight_smile:


And no pizza handprints on the screen Iā€™m hoping?? Pleased you got another!

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Just got it todayā€¦

No pizzaā€¦

First thing i did was remove the Screen Protetor and upgrade to the New Fw.
Seems fineā€¦i even rebboted a couple times to try to ā€œcauseā€ the problem.


yeah i just got the missing cal pads and my unit is 6 months old, it still works jsut fine but i do get the message now and then, sometimes more often,

im sending ioot back in, you never know if it gets worse after 3 years when quarantee runs out and im on my own, if that happens i just lost 12k worth of drum machine lol

thats a fuck ton of money to me lol

oh i just realised theres a new update,
i updated device and will keep an eye on it for the next weeks