Analog rytm mk2 project reload

Hello good people ,
I am putting together a set and I want to be able to play in and live triggers into my existing patterns but not have the extra triggers in there once the pattern comes back around later . I know you can reset the pattern while the pattern is active but if the pattern changes before I get a chance to reset pattern the new triggers are saved to the pattern forever .

Is there a way to reload the project mid song without the sequencer stopping to reload ? Like the equivalent of reloading the pattern but reloading all the patterns at once ?
Or if not does anyone have any other solutions for this ? I am trying to have a live set where I do a lot of live drum triggers and general love things but also have the predictability of my saved patterns

It’s unfortunate, but the AR just doesn’t have this functionality. :slightly_frowning_face: The Digi units have it (individual pattern reload from the permanent save state while sequencer is running), and it’s glorious. I have no clue why this isn’t implemented in the AR. IMO, it would really take the machine to new heights.

I don’t know if any Elektron machine can reload all project patterns without stopping the sequencer though.

I don’t have the solution you were hoping for, but as an alternate method, there should be a way to backup all projects b4 going out to perform ! Then just bring it home and flash it back to the initial state!