Analog Rytm MKI Refurbishing w/pictures

Hello, just wanted to share the refurbishing process of my AR MKI bought in 2015. After countless hours of gigging and travelling, and even though I have taken thorough care of it, the poor thing showed it’s age. So I took advantage of the availability of replacements for many things: front plate, button caps, knob caps, new pads. I had also swapped the LCD last year with the white on “black” (blue actually) sold on ebay, but now have the original white one to be replaced next week by a technician (my soldering skills suck). I am glad Elektron takes care of their customers this way, not bothering that this may hazard a non-buy of a new MKII, and showing respect for the loyalty. I prefer the MKI form factor, fits better with the Digis and on the DJ booth table at gigs. The whole kit costed me 150 bucks including shipping to the US, and now I have a brand new machine. I tried to document the before/after thing with some pics. Hope this encourages you to do the same if you own an old Elektron. The engineering of these machines is completely amazing and paired with a good company philosophy, I’m really grateful this exists.
PS: Sorry for the bad pics, I have good synths but bad phone…


I have no real knowledge about electronics, but it reminds me of the tidiness and techincal beauty I found when disassembled my Macbook Pro for cleaning.

Yes it’s completely simple and neat. Thats why they last so long, no matter the bumps and bruises, very little inertia inside

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