Analog Rytm MKII midi secuence recording in Logic - without overbridge

hi Pzaz, what do you have working exactly? I’m willing to use MIDI din too, if that would be a solution.

Thank you, very helpful.

I’ve tried your method tonight. a few observations:

  1. when I just connect the RYTM via usb midi, and play the pads by hand on the RYTM, I see each pad having the same midi channel (the one I set as autochannel in the RYTM), and each pad having their own note. This is perfect. So I can record midi when live playing the pads. Also, when I make a midi pattern in Logic (piano roll/midi editor), and play the logic midi sequence, it will play it on the RYTM.

All good

So why have the RYTM sequence midi signals have to be so different?
Its just too much a pain in the ass, to have to

  1. select each pad/track and enable the midi output for that track (for each pattern!)
  2. change the note for each track (0, +1, +2, etc, at the end you’ll have +11 which sounds awful)
  3. correct the note changes with the source tuning parameter.

all this to record the midi sequence from the RYTM? no thanks…

I thank you Craig for your time, and patience.

I will stick with just recording the audio from the rytm, and will try different methods as you suggested Craig! Just out of curiosity, what is your way to do it, since the distortion and compression are important for your sound? do you record each track seperately with FX on it (so via the main out?) and then just mix those tracks in your DAW? (so each track has its RYTM FX on it)? does it sound very differently than what you describe at the end of your reply (overbridge, separate fx track for FX in one audio file)?

Thanks, and I will leave you alone for now ;-)!
will have many more questions in 2021

happy newyear, I love this forum!

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I gave up on multitracking. I now spend more time getting everything balanced, tweaking things to sound just right within the Rytm itself, then record one stereo file from the main outs. Job done. It’s less flexible, but it helps me not overthink things, and be able to move onto other parts sooner :slight_smile:

And Happy New Year to you too :partying_face:


I set each trig/track to each midi Channel in the rytm , disconnected the USB cable , plugged midi cables to rytm midi in and midi out ports, created an external midi track in logic with an output to one of my midi ports that goes to the rytm in port and set midi channel to all in logic.
This will only record to one track.
I tried to create multiple tracks in logic but the rytm did like it , it went unstable.
So this will record midi from the rytm and play it back.
Now because the midi out of the rytm shares the midi setup with other units and because these other units need the rytm clock, I’ve used a midi solutions router to split the midi traffic so it doesn’t interfere with the other units.
Hope this all makes sense.

Could you please help me…Why i don’t hear anything when i connect rytm via usb midi while of course i have an external midi track? Could you please share some photos or give me a detailed explanation?I really can’t work with OB so i’m looking at least to record my audio…thanks in advance

Do you have the Rytm set to Overbridge in the Settings?

No…Should i?

You could do this, too. It’s hard to tell where you at.

You don’t want to work with OB or I misread the first time?

Have you selected Analog Rytm as your soundcard? What DAW are you using btw?

To be honest…I want but…with Logic…I’m always having a problem…so…Like Graig said…I want to work my sounds in rytm and then record the audio…with no OB…

Oh…I have AR,A4 and DT… I want to make the same think for all of them…If i select AR soundcard i hear of course the sound…I want to use one soundcard and no OB…

Possible with aggregate devices on a Mac, but only via Overbridge on a PC. What system are you using?

I have a mac and also i have a xone 96…Im also interested in sending the sound from each unit to different channels…Could you please explain the aggregate method or at least suggest a youtube video?

Here you go. Select all your Elektrons and the inputs/outputs etc. You should be able to work it out:

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Thanks a lot…I will give it a try…

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interesting workaround, using the midi router! smart one!
when you record a midi sequence this way in Logic; do you get all the midi notes on different bars (notes?)

Err…no I thought I did but looking closer I didn’t.
I have a midi checker. I plugged it on the rytm midi output and All the midi channels are going out but I can’t figure out why logic isn’t seeing it all. Must be something to do with the midi notes it’s sending or not sending.

yeah its strange. When I hit the individual pads, the midi comes in on different midi notes in logic, but when I play the sequence it doesnt. I believe it has to do with the fact that sequences can be chromatic.

First of all, just wanna give a big thanks to everyone on these forums; you guys are awesome!

I do have one last problem with my setup. While I have been able to record midi from the analog rytm sequencer into logic and then sequence my rytm from my DAW, both while recording and playing back, I am getting two identical midi sequences, one from my internal sequencer on the rytm and one from my daw. So when I create a sequence for the kick drum on my rytm, enable record on the kick drum midi track and allow my rytm sequencer to record midi to logic, I am hearing the kick attempt to play itself twice per note (once triggered from the rytm’s sequencer, once triggered from logic). I was wondering if there was a way to disable the analog rytm sequencer from sequencing itself? Essentially, an ‘external only’ mode? My korg m3 has this and it seems like a very logical feature. I should mention that I am not using software monitoring (the latency through overbridge is horrendous).

I should also mention that I am previously a hardware only guy, and might be looking at this whole thing the wrong way. I’m just trying to find a workflow that will enable me to create sequences using the analog rytm hardware, save them to logic, and build out a track that way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
