Analog Rytm MKII midi secuence recording in Logic - without overbridge

Hello everyone!

Just bought my second AR after selling it two years ago. Really want to give it another try.

I have a hybrid setup with a few synths connected to logic, using the live loops. So what I basically want is:

  1. use the rytm sequencer to make a beat
  2. start the logic project play mode when i hit the play mode on the rytm sequencer
  3. be able to record the midi pattern of the rytm sequencer in a live loop (so all on one midi track).
  4. let that loop from logic.
  5. repeat the process for my other synths (I have this covered).

I donā€™t feel the need for overbridge as I want to edit sequences etc. on the rytm, and overbridge seems rather cpu heavy. Most posts on this forum seem to deal with overbridge settings.

So what I did, is select midi over usb in the rytm settings. then made a new (external midi) track in logic with the AR selected. I chose 1 midi channel for logic to communicate with the AR.
I might have done some things wrong here. Anyways, at the end of the line, Iā€™m able to hit all individual drum pads on the AR, and a midi note is seen (and can be recorded) in logic. However, when playing the entire sequence from the rytm, no midi signals are coming inā€¦

sound familiar? can anyone help or does anyone know where to find a step by step post/tutorial on this issue? the rytm/overbrige manual only deals with live (and is pretty short on this topic).


FUNC + TRIG (parameter page not individual trigs) for each track, then enable SEND MIDI:


IIRC, the Sequencer doesnā€™t send MIDI notes.

Edit : true with the Digitakt

Really? I was hoping this was different with one of the recent updatesā€¦Craig got my hopes upā€¦was about to try

Added in 1.50

All sequencer tracks can now be set to send sequencer data through the MIDI OUT or USB ports to control external, MIDI equipped, gear. Each track sends note on/off and velocity data over MIDI.

Added in 1.60

Added the functionality that the tracks set to SEND MIDI now also forwards the incoming data from external MIDI controllers to the MIDI OUT port for control of an external device.

Thatā€™s what I found.

So try it and give an update.

Thank you! I just tried this, and now I am able to record the sequencer midi in Logic! If I then play the recorded midi region from within logic, it sends the midi back to rytm. this is awesome.

However, Iā€™d also like to be able to edit the midi region sequence in Logic.

Alas, there is still one problem. Iā€™d like all the different pads/channels to appear on a different pitch/note in my midi region. This does not happen at the moment, they all seem to appear like this:
Any tips on how to change this? Almost there!!!

Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 22.00.11

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additional question: which midi settings, and which midi channel should I assign to the RYTM in logic? the one that says AUTO CHANNEL in my rytm? Because If I have other hardware synths in my logic project the midi from the rytm will trigger them tooā€¦

Perhaps all newbie questions; its a pity there is nothing in the manual, or no official tutorial online on how to set this up. Especially now that I see that its theoretically technically possible, hope there is someone who can help here!

Iā€™ve not used Logic, but as far as the notes go, you could set each track in Rytm via the TRIG parameter page to output a different note (so set the BD channel NOTE as C3, SD as C#3, and so on). If this really messes with your recorded patterns, then copy/paste your pattern to a new pattern before adjusting the notes just for midi recording purposes. Or if you have a melodic sequence (on the DVCO machine, for example), then record that on a separate midi channel. As far as the gaps go between all the notes, does Logic have something like ā€˜Consolidateā€™ from Ableton Live or Bitwig? This feature/function links all the areas into a single midi file without the gaps :slight_smile:

I would set each track to the same midi channel to avoid clashes with other channels, then change the notes of each drum as outlined above. You can set the channels in the MIDI CONFIG menu:

Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 21.45.05

Check p59-61 in the MKII manual (MKI pages will be slightly different) for more about midi settings :slight_smile:


Thank you craig. gonna try what you suggested!

will report back, youā€™ve been very helpful up till now!

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Can you tell me how you managed this? Iā€™m struggling big time to record midi from it. Had to record audio to capture some ideas.

You said you submitted a support ticket right?

well I donā€™t hava alle the solutions yet.

this is where I am:

  1. set ā€˜midi over usbā€™ setting on rytm
  2. as craig says, on every track using the func+trig button, select send midi

set the rytm up als external midi instrument in logic.
then record, and play sequence.

logic will record the sequence, that can afterwards be played back in logic, and that midi will control the rytm.

however, things become more complicated if you have other hardware synths in the same project in logic (midi interference). also, the tracks in the midi sequence do not all have their own line.

@craig suggested a workaround by selecting each track in the rytm and change the note there. however, this also changes the pitch of the instrument. and I donā€™t really want thisā€¦

So I am not fully there yet, and iā€™m open for suggestions

so Craig, I read the manual pages you suggested (read them before too but more carefully now).

It says:

"TRACK 1ā€“12, FX selects MIDI channel for the tracks that controls the drum and FX tracks. An OFF setting will make the track disregard any incoming MIDI messages.

AUTO CHANNEL selects the MIDI channel that will give access to the currently active track. If an ex- ternal MIDI keyboard connected to Analog Rytm MKII sends MIDI data on this channel, the keyboard will control the active track. This is useful when for example quickly changing between the active drum tracks to play different Sounds."

So if I interpret this correctly, this correctly, this is about controlling the rytm with other gear, so midi incoming messages on the rytm.

But my problem is with the midi out, the midi sequence of the RYTM, is ā€˜landingā€™ on different synths if you understand what I mean.

Any ideas? really canā€™t find it in the manual.

You can always use the tune setting of the synth and/or sample to counteract the note choice. For example, move snare to a C# note instead of C, then change the tuning to -1 to bring it back to C. This isnā€™t perfect, however, especially if you are already at the bottom of the tuning for a sample, for instance. Otherwise, I will have a think about another solution.

Thank you, and in the meantime, i found another paragraph in the manual:

TRK SEND MIDI will, when checked, send the tracks note on/off (NOT, LEN) and VEL, sequencer data to the Analog Rytm MKIIā€™s MIDI OUT for control of external MIDI devices. The MIDI data is sent on the trackā€™s MIDI channel that is set in the CHANNELS menu. For more information, please see ā€œ14.4.3 CHAN- NELSā€ on page 61.

  • If TRK SEND MIDI is checked, the track sends the sequencer data both externally over MIDI and internally to the tracks sound.
  • Only the sequencer data for note on/off (NOT, LEN) and VEL parameters are sent over MIDI.

so I understand that part now!

Yes this is a bit tediousā€¦ do you use this too like this? in ableton?

please let me now when/if you come up with another easier solution, cause you seem way more knowledgeable than me haha!

I was just about to reply about that extra bit on p44, but you already found it :slight_smile:

And regarding the other problem, I actually donā€™t record midi into Bitwig (my DAW of choice right now) for drum parts, I just record the audio and keep the sequences in the Rytm - if I want to change the sounds later on, I can always copy/paste the pattern and switch either the synthesis and/or the samples from there. Rytm is a bit limited midi-wise, as it was added years after its initial release. Thereā€™s got to be a way to do what you want easily tho. Let me have a go with my Rytm and get back to you on it.

You are already my hero. If there is no better way at the moment to record (and send back) the midi sequences of the rytm sequencer, I could live with it, and probably end up recording the audio too.

Can I ask you how you record the audio in Bitwig? I mean:

  1. Do you use overbridge or just audio cables and your interface?
  2. Do you record in a multitrack way or one by one?
  3. How do you handle the rytm FX send channel in Bitwig? (and how do you re-integrate it)
  4. In other words is it better to record each track ā€˜dryā€™ and then seperately the FX sends and blend that back in your DAW, or to record each track audio (+FX) seperately with its FX (so using the 2 main outputs)

Iā€™ve got something working now I havenā€™t used the USB port it would play or record correctly. Iā€™ve used the midi din ports. I have a lot of midi ports on my set up so I can use these. I have one track in logic or multiple tracks if need to record midi from the rytm.
I used to do it this way years ago as midi over usb was rare then.
Until this is rectified Iā€™ll stick with this setup for now.

I couldnā€™t find a better way than what I suggested about giving each track a different note unfortunately, but it worked well that way. Hereā€™s one of my patterns in Bitwig as a proof of concept:

ā€œDo you use overbridge or just audio cables and your interface?ā€

No Overbridge for me. Either USB midi/audio now its a class compliant device or via main outs to my soundcard.

ā€œDo you record in a multitrack way or one by one?ā€

I donā€™t usually multitrack of late because the master distortion and compressor are too important to my sound at the moment. However, I have used OB or recording each track individually (one by one) in the past.

ā€œHow do you handle the rytm FX send channel in Bitwig? (and how do you re-integrate it)ā€

Recording main outs only solves this, but otherwise, when I used to multitrack, I would forget about delay and reverb and add them to the individual tracks via a DAW instead.

ā€œIn other words is it better to record each track ā€˜dryā€™ and then seperately the FX sends and blend that back in your DAW, or to record each track audio (+FX) seperately with its FX (so using the 2 main outputs)ā€

This is very much personal preference. Take one of your current songs and try both methods. Which do you prefer? If one sounds better to you than the other, is it worth the hassle? Is one more flexible than the other? Etc etc. The most natural to what you hear in the Rytm would be Overbridge with a separate FX track for the delay/reverb of each track in one audio file. Hope all this helps :slight_smile: