Analog Rytm only Albums?

youtube of that Plaid / RYTM album/EP. (it’s also amazing btw)


I wasn’t aware you using / mangling samples. Can you speak a little bit more on that?

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I use synth lines from old recordings and import them onto the RYTM. I usually use the BT pad as my sample/texture pad and mute the synth.

My strategy is to pitch the sample down by at least -10, apply overdrive, and then find a sweet spot with the band pass filter. I like to put a slow saw LFO on the filter cutoff to give it a little movement. Lots of delay and reverb. I will also sometimes randomize the start/end times of the sample from TidalCycles, but lately I’ve felt too lazy to do that. Sometimes I might also play the samples with a melodic sequence. It’s hit and miss. A lot of times a given sample just doesn’t sound interesting, so I try another one.

All of the background textures on VR Sunset use these techniques in some way.


I should also add that I layer samples very liberally on top of drum sounds. All the time. Sometimes just a touch to give a drum a transient or a tonal quality. Sometimes heavily to create a wild sound.

Samples really are the secret sauce of the RYTM, in my opinion!


So true. Base-width filter and more flexible start/end/loop points are the big missing features (an extra LFO wouldn’t go amiss either). I’d be back on board the rytm train if that was introduced!

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Another thing you can do is step lock the analogue drums so instead of using 3 tracks for kick snare and shaker you just use 1 with all triggers activated and then switch the sound for each trigger. This works great with the analogue drums and there are a lot of options in the sound pool. It also works great for percussion lines. You can have a rather full drum sound going with only 2 tracks being used. Frees up a lot of space for other things this way.


thanks so much my man! super appreciated and really enjoying your stuff as well. cheers!

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Someday I’ll make an album only with Analgo RYTM, just I can post it here. We need more RYTM albums!

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The Rytm is really good for hip hop. Totally slept on. Obviously takes some creativity to chop on, so I think that may be why people dont consider it. Man if they added chopping, it would be so much better. I’d also love a mixer screen the more I think about it. I love the mixer on my SP-16.


This is a mini mix of an album that is RYTM running each channel into a desk + Zoia + Blue Sky on FX sends.

It also has a visual patch made in MaxMSP/Jitter attached to each track. The recording of audio and visuals for this video was done in one take with the LR from the desk, then limited.

Album is due to come out next month, if all goes to plan! Edit: this take is a little heavy on the shimmer… hehe


Completely agree… The AR also adds a lot of ‘weight’ to everything you sample into it which makes it have a similar feeling as the samples which made hiphop what it is.

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I really liked your tracks. Well done. How much of your drums were the Rytm synths? I don’t own a Rytm, just curious about how it performs in the hip-hop genre.

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Can’t believe nobody has mentioned this dude : User Friendly (@user.friendly.sounds) • Instagram photos and videos
IMHO he makes the most interesting things with the Elektron boxes he has (AR, A4 and OT).

Thanks man! Most drums are chopped up drumbreaks, but I’ve made a nice collection of kicks, hihats claps and rimshots from the internal synth, some of which are on the album as well. There’s also a lot of the dual vco synth and some noise used from the internal engine.

Internal sounds I dont like for hiphop are the snares, toms and cymbals. They sound too ‘electronic’/hifi for my taste.

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I agree, I got a Syntakt and a rytm. That aspect really makes the RYTM special, I didn’t realize how much I leaned on that for sound design.

Sounds so wide. Really nice. I wonder how they processed this?? Via Overbridge I presume

@a.n.d.why, It’s plaid. Everything they touch is just magic.

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A track i made few years ago. 100% AR. It’s electronica ambient. I try to make something different on every track i make. The AR is for me a true exploring tool, so versatile. I do love to make track only using one gear, in my case the AR or OCTA. This is the best way to learn them, as a good friend, we need to spend time with our gear :-).

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Cosmic excursion. Always difficult to classify your own music. 100% AR

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