Analog Rytm OS 1.61x: bug reports



Think about updating Transfer app and Overbridge.

Remember to back up before upgrading and even load a new empty project to avoid any damage to your current project.
And avoid upgrading before a gig. :tongue:

You encountered something wrong in the newest OS, reproduced it in a project created since the upgrade and want to check if others can replicate it ?
Here is the place.

Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug :wink:

Please report all bugs via the Support Tickets section on if they have not already been confirmed below.


since i upgraded… i cannot put a sample on the BD pad. as soon as i touch another pad it disappears. the same behavior happens with the TRIG setup page. Sample trig and envelope reset to default as soon as I hit another pad.

I have a rytm mkII on 1.61B

I just tested this. I can’t replicate it. I have same OS and model as you. Can you explain your steps?

video shows the behavior. this is with ALL my projects and even ones that are started anew.

i dont have any midi cables plugged in

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it has something to do with the uSB…

i unplugged it and all is well.

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Most likely a midi feedback loop. Check your channel assignments for the internal tracks ams adjust any externals you may be using to avoid overlaps :slight_smile:

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This has happened to me too back in January, while on the most recent OS, but on the Rytm MKI.

The only reason I suspect it happened is because I had been working on the same pattern for a long time and saving; other than that, I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to get this issue.

In this clip, I am showing that it only took a single trigger of the pad to clear the sample slot. (It didn’t occur to me that I could have just pressed the 1st trig button instead of bangin’ on the pads, lol.)

Extra: This is the main reason why I traded my Rytm MKI for an Octatrack MKII. I wanted to use samples for the first time, then I came across this bug out of nowhere.

it definitely has something to do with the settings under port config. i turned off everything I didn’t need and it works now even with the usb plugged in. when i have time i’ll go back and fine tune the troubleshoot.

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Create a New Project. Go to Settings - Samples, Load samples into it from the Drive to the RAM.
Go to System Storage to check the project Ram occuped by them.

The n go to Settings - Samples, select all the Samples in RAM and Unload them.

Go to System Storare and the RAM they ocuupy is not changed / freed, altough the Samples no longer are in the RAM / Pool.

If enough RAM is occupied , you can’t load more Samples, although there are no Samples available in RAM.

You have to Turn the Machines on/ off or change Project, for the RAM available to Samples be free again.

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Yeah, this bug has been around for years at this point

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Seems really “weird” to not fix it …

Is there any Workaround ?

I’ve had a problem with soloing/unsoloing more than 2 tracks simultaneously.
It just doesn’t seem to work, only a couple of them are affected and I have to treat the others in sequence.
Have you noticed this?

Other thing: I just can’t use the last Transfer version to backup a project, it seems. It gets stuck in the “collect samples” initial phase. Do you also observe a similar behavior?

I have just been told there is a new OS 1.61B for the AR.

Coming or now? I still see OS 1.61B on the Support page.

Sorry, I meant 1.61B is the new OS.
It’s newer than this thread anyway. I have just updated its title :slight_smile:
I edited my post right above yours so that it is clearer.

FYI it fixes a problem I had with Transfer 1.4.
Works great now!

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I dropped this ticket to the support

When you save the project either with the shortcut or the regular menu, you don’t see which project you’re currently saving: the screen displays the 7 first even if the one focused is the 10th.
If you move the arrow down or up, then you see which project you’re on, but it would be nice if, like before the 1.6x update, the screen shows which project is focused/currently loaded.

and I was replied they were working on it.

Just saying.

Transfer still won’t recognize the Rytm. It will recognize all my other devices.

The Rytm won’t play accept the “play/stop” midi input from Ableton. It will on all my other devices.
I’ve tried all sorts of troubleshooting with no positive results.

I don’t recall having these problems with previous firmware versions.

Make sure you have the latest 1.61B firmware installed!
I had problems with 1.61…

Yup. I made sure everything was up-to-date. The firmware 1.61B, transfer 1.401, and Overbridge 2.0.6.
Also, I’m getting an Overbridge error message “latency measurement failed” as well, only for the Rytm.
I know these things are usually user error, but I’m running out of troubleshooting options.

What OS?