Analog Rytm slave from Native Instuments Maschine

Hello everyone!
This is my first thread here.
I own AR and A4.
Yesterday I tried to setup a new confoguration in my studio/live: I would like to use NI Maschine as Master and all my synth as slave, than re-sample all sounds coming in.
I’m able to do it with my Moog but AR doesn’t receive anything, notes or sync play (transport?)
Could someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Ps I’m using AR usb port and not midi, coins it be this?

Hank hou

Can someone just tell me what configuration should I do to receive midi stync and start?
Thank you

In the PROJECT > MIDI CONFIG > MIDI SYNC menu, activate both CLOCK RECEIVE and TRANSPORT RECEIVE. See page 53 of the manual.

Hello! Thank you, in the meantime i found the solution.

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