Analog Rytm - sound "lost"

I am sure i know i lost this forever but hey, let me try and ask…
So i was jamming the other day, and kept messing with dual vco, got the sound i really liked. ofc forgot to save.
Now, i turned on the machine again, and it was there ,in the memory - however, since the other sound was messy, i decided to reload kit, because i usually save them after each sesh - so, is my “masterpiece” patch lost forever, since i have recalled the kit, thus recalled the machine state on that track? Any way i can revert to my unsaved sound?

I don’t think so.
BUT, did you save the project at some time between making that sound and reloading the kit?
Because you could start a new project without saving this one, then go back to this project and maybe it’ll be there.

Followed the same logic, unfortunately, nope :slight_smile: thanks anyway.


I know there isn’t a way. It’s happened to me before. It was tough. I feel for you.

Save kits constantly like saving files when you’re working on a word document.

Whenever I got to a specific point when writing my album I would save the project as a backup with a date.

You’ll dial in many more patches and when you do save, save, save.

PS. I never got around to saving any sounds but wanted to.


Cheers. I know - i am actually auto save maniac, since I started working on amiga and Atari, you can imagine how it was to program Cubase on Atari for hours, only to have it reset by the small imedeance change, and there goes your 5 hours of MIDI programming… Usually would dread to save because floppy had that nasy habit of breaking ,or at least taking few minutes out of the creative process…
So yeah, all my DAWS and everything I do is set to autosave, plus CMD +S whenever I can. Thats why I feel uber stupid this happened. I just cant get the same sound, totally forgot whichg combo of oscillators it was and what F/R what on.

I feel for you even more so. I suspected that you would’ve been saving. I just d didn’t know it would be to that extent. I guess that’s why it pains you even more, bro.

That’s why you can’t let it get to you any more.
You know you’re great with it more times than not so rest assured that future sounds will be saved :wink:

If you go through all the sounds then overtime you will simply know.

Thanks for the kind words mate.
I have Rytm for a while, and in general with all my time with synths and music in general, i am generally able to recreate stuff that i hear or remember - but this wasn’t just two wave combo, i was messing about with the fm and ring modultion, and since some of those waves are a bit weird (skewered sine), i got to a few solutions similar to the one I remember.
Anyhow, this will not happen again, saving both patterns and sounds like crazy from now on lol. Funny stuff, I never lost a sound on Octatrack or Machinedrum, yet this happens to me on the most user friendly machine of the three lol.