Analog Rytm - The Issue Thread

  1. This was supposed to be released Q1.
  2. It says it is shipping and I still don’t have it.
  3. The manual isn’t available yet.

disclaimer: this is a joke of course…but I’m sure we will see people post issues pretty much immediately :wink:

yeah it would be nice if they posted the manual already. Would like to read it before my AR arrives.

I’d actually love to see the manual or quickstart quide in the meantime!

Yeah, a demo and a manual would be great. While I was in Frankfurt the Rytm was sometimes left in a sort of state, performance mode or mute mode or something, that was hard get out of if you didn’t know the Rytm well enough to spot what state it was in, etc. There’s a lot you can do with it, and a lot to learn. But like with the Analog Four, once you learn it, and get it, it’s pretty straight forward and fun.
Soundwise I’d say it’s a lot easier to operate than the Analog Four. But at the same time I think it’s more complex, because of the many modes etc.
I can’t friggin’ wait to get my hands on the finalized unit!!

I have the impression the shipping starts on friday and also for the reference manual in PDF download.

Just a wild guess!!!

It says “Analog Rytm Getting Started Manual” is included. So that should at least get most people up and running. For a deeper manual perhaps we’ll just have to wait a little bit.

If they take our money because the are ready to ship having a download on the manual is easy. It is unsettling that they have not done that.

Also to subq’s point what is a “a few days” and why?

I can only guess, but it is very unlikely that they get thousand or more orders every day, like it happened on 22nd of April. So, unless they’ve hired another company to handle all the logistics and stuff (They have at least to pack the orders, print the shipping labels, put them on the boxes and hand them to the UPS curriers), it might take quite a long time…But maybe it is all done automatically somehow? Machines are in boxes already and they have a robot printing stickers with labels, sticking them on the stuff and piling them nicely))) Dunno, they are not a big retailer store, how many people working in the office at the same time?? In any case, they are quite busy right now i’m sure…

So we can expect that after 1000 orders go through they are too busy to send out 1? update the manual download? even at half that they make 3/4 of a million dollars… The first hundred can’t make it out the door in 24 hours? I have a snowboard and clothing company with 2 people in the warehouse and they get 300-500 orders out a day.

I Love Elektron and their machines, they change my life musically and returned me to a passion lost but now found. There is little excuse, on the side of distribution to defend. sorry. they have them or they don’t and they should have a manual up by now…

my post just made my device the last to be shipped… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, your’s might get lost behind the fridge…

Gess who will be the first to wright a post like “i hav it”…?

^^ shurly not you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

shurly not me too… i’m waiting for the first 2nd hand…
but i’ll the first to have the first 2nd hand :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’ll get a big large trout in the box with an April Fool greeting card!

Elenacortes is lookig for the first one to post “this thing doesn’t bang enough, I am selling it!”… Come here little fly… ^^

Une idée pour aborder ta victime :

Not this horse, I haven’t even ordered one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You know better then how orders and shipments are handled. If two people can send 300-500 orders a day then surely we should have at least few people posting excited ‘mine is transit!’ and ‘just got tracking number from UPS!’ and such…hm, maybe there’s another reason…well, i’ve learned to be patient because of this whole analog rytm story, can practice little more,hehe.

has anyone’s shown s h i p p e d yet?