Here is a brief tutorial I made about programming drum grooves on the Analog RYTM. Using sound locks, I approach drum parts in a “linear” fashion similar to the drumming technique of “Linear Drumming” which is when you hit no more than one part of the drum kit at a time. I honestly wanted to cover more techniques and topics about drum programming, but I realized while making this that creating tutorials is actually really hard, haha - in some ways harder than composing music.
Hope this helps people use their RYTM in new ways!
I started doing this much more after buying the DN, even going as far as recording loops into Ableton then exporting back into the Rytm (MKi). My main reason is to free up the DVCO tracks for basslines and melodic mayhem!
Great descriptive video by the way, i’m sure many users will find this knowledge valuable!
@sabana I hear you, homie. I do appreciate the feedback! Are you saying I should let the drum machine to do more of the talking rather than explain every little thing verbally? Or was it “cool explanation, but I need an audio example too” sort of thing?
@chrisb78 Thank you very much for the kind words. I’ll try to keep things a bit tighter, but keep the style
Oh yeah, using loops and sample chains is nuts since you end up with all three DVCO tracks for whatever. I’ve been thinking about getting a DN to use it solely for drums in the same exact way as you had described.