Analog Rytm Video Thread

Im a fingerdrummer and in this video he’s “cheating” slightly by having the closed hat layered with the kick and snare on the bottom 3 pads. so he’s not playing the closed hat separately so its easier. Still fun video though.

No reason something like this couldn’t be done with the AR at all really (apart from the pads being a little too small for my liking for fingerdrumming).[/quote]

I’m suprised I haven’t seen anybody hookup a Roland Octapad or whatever to a mpc and go ape s**t. But maybe that’s overkill. Or can’t be done…

If you exit perf mode with pressure applied to one or more of the pads those perf settings stick until you go back to perf mode.

Im a fingerdrummer and in this video he’s “cheating” slightly by having the closed hat layered with the kick and snare on the bottom 3 pads. so he’s not playing the closed hat separately so its easier. Still fun video though.

No reason something like this couldn’t be done with the AR at all really (apart from the pads being a little too small for my liking for fingerdrumming).[/quote]

I’m suprised I haven’t seen anybody hookup a Roland Octapad or whatever to a mpc and go ape s**t. But maybe that’s overkill. Or can’t be done…[/quote]
I’m not sure what the midi notes for the 12 pads are but there’s no reason I couldn’t set up my MPC 1000 to do midi out to the pads and control the AR how I like it I suppose. Other than I’ve just been lazy and playing with just the AR on its own the last week or so :slight_smile:

Here’s another take on it with 4 elektron boxes. Just an idea & having fun =)

Love it, great sounds but…you hardly touch the Rytm! It sits there…bright and lonely… :’(

Love it, great sounds but…you hardly touch the Rytm! It sits there…bright and lonely… :’( [/quote]
Its hard with all these together. lol. I’ll try & make another video on the rytm alone. If you listen to the end of the video the melody comes from the rytm, no samples used at all on the machine. Lots of crazy sounds come out of it.

OT, A4, AR, MnM, and looks like a moog voyager or minimoog in background there…

oh and whats that keyboard that has the bigsky reverb on it?

btw nice spread man (clocked a fair amount of time on those same KRK monitors in the studio where i used to work, in our old B room… im not a fan of em, but they are pretty decent)

OT, A4, AR, MnM, and looks like a moog voyager or minimoog in background there…

oh and whats that keyboard that has the bigsky reverb on it?

btw nice spread man (clocked a fair amount of time on those same KRK monitors in the studio where i used to work, in our old B room… im not a fan of em, but they are pretty decent)[/quote]
Yea a moog voyager. the other keyboard is mopho x4, sounds kinda like the prophet 8, but more dirtier. I had the 12 but I hate that digital sound so i sold it. I think I’m finally done buying anymore gear. I’ve been on this analog gear lust and not really playing it all. Plus so much more stuff coming out. Have to resist. I was actually looking into speakers, what you suggest or what are you using now?

OT, A4, AR, MnM, and looks like a moog voyager or minimoog in background there…

oh and whats that keyboard that has the bigsky reverb on it?

btw nice spread man (clocked a fair amount of time on those same KRK monitors in the studio where i used to work, in our old B room… im not a fan of em, but they are pretty decent)[/quote]
Yea a moog voyager. the other keyboard is mopho x4, sounds kinda like the prophet 8, but more dirtier. I had the 12 but I hate that digital sound so i sold it. I think I’m finally done buying anymore gear. I’ve been on this analog gear lust and not really playing it all. Plus so much more stuff coming out. Have to resist. I was actually looking into speakers, what you suggest or what are you using now?[/quote]
Im still using some old Events from like 10 years ago… Ive used them for so long now, I can mix very reliably on them, but yeh they are sorta crap
if money was no object, Id go with some high-end Adams:

anyone make any hip hop beats yet??

I’m still not convinced by the AR, because all the vids I saw for now seems to be based on the usual elektron sequencer : once the “play” button has been pressed, there’s no more break or drills. For the music I play, I need much more than tweaking: I need sequencer versatility. Is it, for instance, possible to do with AR something like all the RS 7000 owners do since year 2000 ? This, for instance :

I don’t like this type of music, but this vid shows what a good sequencer can afford when one likes playing with breaks and drills.

On the AR (and A4) you can toggle between “direct start”, “direct jump”, and the more traditional ”sequential” pattern play modes. Using that combined with the ability to have different pattern lengths makes this style of “playing the sequencer” very much possible.

OK, but if I get rid of my RS 7000, and if I keep my OT and replace my MD by a AR, will the AR be as versatile as my RS 7000 ? With the RS, I can:

  • jump from one pattern to another when I decide to do it, without being obliged to wait for the end of current pattern
  • randomize every track of every pattern, on the fly, with a lot of rhythmic algorithms
  • send PC, CC, midi notes, etc. on each step (or fraction of step)
  • have a (nearly) infinite duration of pattern (not only 4/4, 16/16, 32/32 or 64/64)
  • use asymmetrical signatures (3/4, 5/4, 7/8, 16/17, etc.)
  • access to each note programmed in order to modify, very easily, all the parameters (pitch, pressure, velocity, etc.), so one can modify and correct a groove easily

And also, how does the OT react when slaved to the AR (or the AR slaved to the OT) ? I mean, the MD slaved with the OT is catastrophic: the first step has always a problem when you send midi notes form the OT to the MD in order to change the MD patterns. There"s a sort of “rumble” at the first step that is very annoying. And when you send PC instead of midi notes, the “rumble” at the first step disappears, but you can’t change patterns on the fly. That’s the main reason why I keep my RS 7000 as main sequencer, whereas I initially bough the OT to replace it. I asked elektron if an OS update on the MD could correct this bug, and they answered they knew this bug but had no solution.

…nothing to do with the post but after watching the vid, i got to …used to spin the vinyl of it back then :slight_smile: …memories… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No, the AR will not do all of that, esp. not the MIDI stuff. In my experience, new boxes never replace old boxes so don’t get rid of anything until you’re sure you won’t miss it. :wink:

The RS7000 and RM1x are both awesome MIDI pattern sequencers and except for maybe the Cirklon nothing will come close.

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I still like very much my RS7000, but it’s a heavy gear, and I wanted to travel light when I Bought the OT. Now my future set will be heavier with the OT plus the RS :sob:

I wondered about the Cirklon: it seems interesting, but so ugly :slight_smile:

Be great to keep this the “rytm video” thread and not turn it into another “can it not do this” whinge thread… :sob:

Any more vids from you new users to get it back in track!? there much appreciated! :wink:

RYTM FM DEMO REQUEST PLEASE :joy::slight_smile: :heart:

I’ve had my RYTM about a week now… pretty much figured it out now so i may do a cheeky video soon :wink:

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you’ll never know for sure unless you try it out yourself (at least that’s the way i see it) and if what you’re looking for is something closer to the RS7000, well, then you may want to look at getting an RS7000…but you already know it’s a 14 years old machine; if you need more than just tweaking, then don’t get an AR, you could end up not using all of its features.
i agree with you that there should/could be more demos of the AR but people need to get used to it as well, so you can’t expect everything from (almost) day one, even the guys at the HQ are still trying things out i believe
dont’ get me wrong, what i’m saying is (i guess) the usual: it’s up to your taste and how you make music. a machine, no matter how powerful/complicated can be, may not fit ones needs…

i don’t think one should judge a good sequencer just by the ‘breaks and drills’ … once again, it all depends on what you want/need it for. i find the sequencer on Elektron machines to be one of the best i’ve used so far but for you it could as well be that it won’t make it for what you want to do so… either way, it’s your bet :wink:

…and yes, keep these video coming! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (missing the drummer from EU)