Analog Rytm Video Thread

hmm not sure if the AR can do that on it’s own but with an OT and using scenes/retriggers/live sample mangling it shouldn’t be too difficult with the crossfader and scenes to do the “break” and “drills”

and one could use the random slices/LFOs to achieve the various rhythmic variations

this is not quite as harsh sounding (to me atleast) but with some more tweaking it would sound similar methinks

sorry for muddying this thread further :disappointed:

Not the best quality… but here is an Instagram that i took from my phone…

Syncing the Analog RYTM with a Commodore 64! So much fun :smiley:

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That’s so cool.

Need a translator… :smiley:

In Soviet Russia, trigs parameter-lock you.

it has direct jump (pattern switching before end of pattern like the rs7000) and you can do drills w/ retrig.

there is a ton of sequencer versatility and it’s incredibly playable.

Here we go! :smiley:

nnice! been waiting for this :slight_smile: thanks

marimbaaaass! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:


Unleash THE VIDZZZZZZZZZ! :wink:

…there you go…for right handed people, a right handed version :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is the mirror included in an upcoming update? :stuck_out_tongue:

sweet a left handed OT too!

What’s the FX being used to the left…er…right…er…whatever of the Elektrons?

There is a RX-5

And what seems to be a filter, which one I don’t know… :stuck_out_tongue:
Thought of a MFC-42

More likely an Electrix Filter

On the right… or… left… or… there!


nice use of the tube verb!

what’s the mixer you’re using with your right hand? it looks nice…


I like that last video quite a bit :slight_smile:

The fellow elektronaut making these vidz is asked to identify himself so we can thank him properly… :wink:


It’s this guy:

Mat Hnedý

Found it on the Muff Wigglers thread

Hold up, what’s going on with that Octatrack?? Is this from a parallel reality?