Analog series up next for updates?

In that case you’ll be positively surprised!! It’s usually my go-to before even touching the LFOs. Such a cool feature.

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That’s the only thing that may be a bit strange, but how about the keyboard switches to the trig keys?
And the mini 12 keys turn into say the root note selection?

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I don’t see how the key folding feature would work on the A4, but I would love to see the same scale features the DN has. It would just mute any keys outside of the range of the scale, and the scale would ideally also apply to the arp. That alone would be a huge improvement to what’s there now.


what would also be super cool is controlling external midi cc devices with the four, e.g. via the macro settings. that would be so nice.


+1 for p-locks/automation on the A4 arps


That would be amazing! Different seq modes would be cool too, pingpong, reverse etc.