Analog series up next for updates?

Now that the mid tier boxes have just received new updates and went on “sale” (after they just raised the prices by $50 again), we should finally be getting the long overdue updates to the analog series before holiday season. Especially since the Rytm price went up $100 and the A4 raised $150.
After years of requests, if they can add song modes to the digis, hopefully we can get some much requested features to the analogs, followed by a sale for them as well. Analog four’s 10th anniversary is very soon, so I imagine that will be around the time we get new updates (and possible anniversary edition A4 like they did for octatrack). Thoughts?


What updates do you have in mind? I think for rytm we’ll get scales/fold, a 2nd lfo, sample slicing, and potentially simultaneous start + end point on sample so you can scan through it granularly (though a 2nd lfo could do this too)


For the A4 I would love to see the pitch data as a mod source like on the MnM.
It’s such a cool thing and shouldn’t be too complicated as the data is already there anyways.


For the rytm, i’d love the sample start/end time granular resolution that the digitakt has, as well as the classic request for the 2nd lfo to bring it more on par with the feature set of the “mid tier” digitakt that has since surpassed the rytm with these features. Hopefully the rytm’s processor can handle it, which i assume it can since elektron was able to give one last major update the octatrack for the 10 year anniversary, even though it was originally thought to be maxed out.
For the A4, maybe a third lfo, but that is really unlikely? Maybe I’m wrong…hopefully lol


The main thing I want on the A4 is arp out on MIDI but I doubt it will ever happen. But I wouldn’t have predicted song mode for the Digis, either.


Def a third LFO for the A4 would be awesome. Also, I don’t know if it’s even possible but the ability to layer the tracks like the Digitone would also be awesome.

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Arp automation for the a4 would be cool


Would be cool to p-lock the arp settings On the A4


Keytrack as mod?


I would like an FX send for external IN on AR and a 2nd LFO. An maybe a Base Widht Filter for the Sample Engine.

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Yes. It’s very useful when applied to the lengths of envelope stages, osc waveforms or filter env depth to name a few usual destinations.

MnM has two destinations for it and its not just on/off but goes from negative to positive similar to the A4 LFOs.

A4 needs scales and keyboard fold.
If a sampler like DT gets it, so should a synth. IMHO


yeah, but how would you put scales on the one octave 12 keys keyboard on the A4? it’s something different than 2 rows of 8 buttons.

what would be super cool among the features already mentioned here is if you could automate the arpeggiator on the a4 with the trigs and add the retrig function like on rytm. and with the rytm the notes are also displayed with the vco as with the a4. and then generally in the boxes, the lfo display is revised. i.e. in Hz or note values, so that you can finally see what is happening there. I don’t like this value display at all, totally confused. and then another surprise feature for the sound design that nobody would have ever expected, kind of like the vco feature in rytm.


They won’t add song modes to the digis.

Only they just did :smiley:

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Exactly, though we’re also still waiting on the digitone/keys to send midi arp as well, which i would have thought it was a given since the midi sequencer is a lot more capable than the A4’s tacked on midi sequencing funcionality (though appreciated).


I miss that too


How does that work? Never noticed on my MnM.

Go to global and from there “assign” and use the arrow keys to select the “key” menu. From there you can also determine if the filters are pitch tracking.


Ah yes. I’ve never messed with assigning it to anything apart from filter though. I’lll investigate!