Analog Syntakt voices on a Model case...anyone? How much would it cost?

Are you thinking on having the analog part/voices of the Syntakt separate as a Model case like device? How much would this cost?

€950 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


A second hand Rytm is cheaper than that :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t a model case packed with the analog rytm parts from Syntakt would make a killer companion to a Digitakt and Digitone combo? I wonder…

Would that even work, with the plastic case and the analog components producing quite some heat? Not sure about it


That’s a pretty good point, actually I heard some comments regarding Syntakt heating up quite a lot.

That would be cool for Model fans, but price-wise, analog is expensive, especially for multiple voices. Even something like a little single-voiced analog Uno with only a 16 step sequencer retails for $229 US.

Get 4 voices in a Model format and we’re talking significantly more than the $329 the M:C goes for.

I’m no expert, but I’m guessing at LEAST a $550 retail cost for what would be a Model:Analog, and at that point, you’re heading into used Digi territory $$$.

Margins on this kind of music gear are typically kind of tight, so when you see that higher price on something like a Syntakt, a good chunk of that price difference is there to cover costs on all that new analog voice and effects hardware. Not a lot of wiggle room in price differentials if you want to migrate a similar set of voices to a less expensive form factor.

But I’m not a hardware guy, this is just some educated guessing. Grain of salt and all that.