Annoying question, plays free track wont trig, i apologise - resolved

If I got into modular nobody would ever see me again and I’d be eating grass to survive. Same for max and Reaktor, except I’d have money to eat at least :wink:.
As for not utilizing features, I perform all loop based where I usually start with a pre programmed beat on the rytm, then record a synth bass loop, then guitar, and maybe theremin or vocals. The OT is all set up to then do flex tricks with those loops, and be able to mix them and use scene fx, and there’s different parts set up to do different things. With this setup I can get all sorts of different results depending on the audio that goes in. What I’m getting at is that it’s very easy for me to do nothing to the programming of the OT, and play very different music many different times. Point being performing in this loop based way and having a decent OT project, it’s very easy to not advance more on the OT, the rytm too as I usually just have it banging out beats as I loop stuff, I’d have to not do looping and just turn on the rytm and dive in to get anymore done, which usually doesn’t sound as fun to me because I just want to make music…
Oh yeah, plays free tracks, gonna check them out…


[quote=“J.m, post:14, topic:37254”]how do you mean?

The leftmost 8 are labelled ‘Track Trigs’. They trig tracks, if those tracks are set to ‘plays free’ AKA disconnected

The rightmost 8 are labelled ‘Sample/Midi Trigs’. They play the sample assigned to each track.


yes mate thanks