Another MIDI program change question (DN + MOOG Mother32) SOLVED


Currently trying to work out sequencing pattern changes on my Moog Mother32 via the Digitone. From the SYN1 menu on the Digitone I can manually select my desired PROG and the Mother32 responds. However, any attempt to automate this using the Digitone sequencer has failed and left me rather confused.

My MIDI setting are correct enough to allow me to play the Mother32 using the Digitone keyboard, and as stated above I can make manual changes to the Mother32 pattern using the associated PROG knob on the digitone.

Thank you in advance for any assistance troubleshooting this.

Have you tried p-locking the PC?

Yes. Using the “Func + Step” to create a trigless trig on step 1 of the Digitone MIDI track pattern with a corresponding PC message sent to the Mother32.

What if you try a « normal » trig (red)?

The only effect a “normal” trig has is transposing the pattern that is sequencing on the Mother32, no pattern change occurs despite the corresponding PROG message being locked to the “normal” trig.

Did you set the DN to send PC?

Settings > MIDI config > SYNC > Prog Ch Send enabled.

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Your MIDI track on the Digitone might be muted.
Have you been able to sequence (send notes to) the M32 from the Digitone?

This is a different means of sending PC messages than the means you were describing above.

Make sure that you understand the differences between them, and specify which means you are using in your posts.

What value(s) of PC are you trying to send?

Hey @PeterHanes, thank you for showing up and chiming in.

Thanks for checking that we are in fact “On”, and yes i am able to sequence the M32 from the Digitone no problem.

My understanding of the SYNC PC is that it is related to the current Bank + Pattern of the Digitone. I.E. PC messages are sent out relative to the Digitones position in its memory bank. P-lock PC message however should be unrelated, and sent when the appropriate step is triggered in the Digitone sequence. Is this the proper way of understanding things? Also worth mentioning that i have tried sequencing PC changes with this setting both enabled and disabled, though i would prefer it to stay disabled if possible, as my goal is to use p-locked midi PC messages from the Digitone to trigger changes in my M32 sequences.

According to the M32 manual; “MIDI program changes 1 to 64 select the current sequencer pattern location.” In actuality, PROG 3 on the Digitone actually seems to be associated with pattern 2 on the m32 (not sure what is causing the offset there). As such, I am attempting to send the values 1 and 3 to the M32 to switch between two patterns.

Please let me know if i can clarify anything else.


Yes, disactivate that setting if you want to send arbitrary PC messages from the DN’s MIDI tracks.

I had wondered whether activating that setting was messing things up for you.

This sometimes happens with MIDI devices because one instrument begins counting from 0 and another begins counting from 1. I don’t own either M32 or DN so I can’t check what is happening for you.

Hopefully an owner of both M32 and DN will be able to help.

Is your DN running the latest firmware (1.40)?

Thank you for getting back to me. Yes hopefully someone will have some insight, until then i will keep tinkering.

Also @PeterHanes yes I am on the latest firmware.

Thanks largely to watching this YouTube video that a friendly reddit user made for me I was able to figure out what I have been doing wrong, which was a minor but crucial detail.

In the SYN1 settings for each midi track there is a PROG setting that corresponds to knob D. The default for the PROG setting on a new track is “X”. I had been trying to sequence PC on my MIDI track without first enabling the PROG setting. Now that I have that value set to “1” I am able to p-lock PC changes as needed on the Digitone sequencer and everything is triggering just fine.


Oh, I was assuming that you already knew this. Sorry, I should have asked first.

That’s what I meant in this post. I should have said « PC number on the SYN1 page ».

I see! Thanks again for helping me cross some fundamentals off my list either way. I was originally setting a p-lock for the PROG but doing so when the MIDI track SYN1 PROG setting was still on the default “X”, which prevents any PC messages from being sequenced it would seem.

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