Any hardware Physical Modeling Polysynths?

Aside from what the Quantum can do, which didn’t necessarily give me what I was looking for. Something relatively modern, not the Korg (z-1?).

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Mutable instruments’ rings

Aodyo Anyma Phi


The Yamaha VL1 and VL70-m.


I apologize. Slipped my attention – polysynth !

Neither that i mentioned are poly.

OK – The Haken EaganMatrix !


Haha, yea, I should have excluded that one. Costs a fortune!

The Anyma Phi has paraphony if nothing else! Or maybe I’m misremembering and they did actually release a firmware update containing polyphony. I should know, it’s one of my favorite contemporary hardware synths…

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It only has two audio buses, so you could configure it for two-voice polyphony. Otherwise, 3-voice paraphony.


That makes me sad. Sounds great. I don’t understand the idea of a digital synth not being fully polyphonic.

It’s many not one. So for instance the Haken EaganMatrix Module, is physical modeling polyphonic from MIDI. And sometime in the 23rd century, after World War Three, there will be the Osmose too.

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I think Aodyo hinted at some point that they were thinking of a poly version of the Anyma at some point? Alternately, I suppose you can always buy a stack of them and a midihub…

I’ve wanted to post this here for a while.

A good option for polyphonic physical modeling hardware is the Korg Prologue or Minilogue XD with the Physiq user oscillator from DirtBoxSynths.


And now we can add another, just teased, the new Anyma Omega from Aodyo. ( thread )

ADDED : The Anyma Omega gives a choice between a keyboard and a desktop unit. They are 16 voice 4 part multitimbral, and both give a ton of user configurable real time controls. The physical modeling sounds quite good in the videos shown so far.


Not very common, but the Technics SX-WSA1 from 1995.

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Not really polyphonic in the true sense but it has 8 voices: Qubit Surface eurorack module. Sounds really good but, alas, I bit limited on models.

Not hardware but the best PM synth to my ears is Kaivo by Madrona Labs

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Ok, you said “not”, but I just got a Z1, and I’m kicking myself for having waited 25 years (!). Enough said.

I also just got an Anyma Phi and waiting for the Anyma Omega. Different beasts though.


If paraphony is ok the Arturia MicroFreak has Karplus Strong and Modal Resonators. The Arturia MiniFreak presumably gets those to full polyphony.

On the software side there’s Rhizomatic Plasmonic, AAS Chromaphone, and Imoxplus Respiro (not sure on polyphony? only used it with a wind controller).

Korg Opsix can do some physical modeling, with the 2.0 update adding the effect operator with comb filter as one of the effects.

Prophet 12 tuned feedback - really cool as you can synthesize the exciter and FM the LPF/HPF waveshaper

Be interested to hear your take on the differences between the Phi vs Z1, in regards to sound definition and character (and models). Mostly love the Z1, but been tempted by the Phi.

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