Any StudioLive series III users able to help me?

I’ve just got a Presonus StudioLive series III desk but I’m having a very frustrating time trying to get it working with StudioOne, to the point that at the moment I can’t even listen back to any of my songs. I’ve downloaded the latest firmware for the mixer, the latest version of Universal Control, installed the latest version of S1 pro but I’m seemingly falling at the first hurdle.

I’ve got the Ethernet cable running from the desk to my iMac, USB likewise and when I press UCNET I should be able to select StudioOne in the drop down menu, except it isn’t listed? Only ProTools and Mackie formats are listed? On one of the Presonus videos I’m could swear they say you can go directly from the network port on a computer to the desk without having to go through a router. Issue I have is that my IMac WiFi doesn’t work so I use an network cable into a port of my router for internet. So if I plug the desk into the router too how can I access it from the Mac? Vids show the guy selecting the desk from his WiFi options drop down which, because my WiFi doesn’t work, I can’t access… but both devices are connected at the router so why do I need to involve WiFi?.

Surely I can just connect directly from the desk to Mac with the supplied cable? I’ve swapped cables but still no joy. Sorry, networks etc aren’t my thing as you can guess…give me a vintage synth and my tools and I’m :smiley:

I hope someone can help…I’m gutted I can’t get my new and pricey investment doing the seemingly basic stuff. Which makes me sad.

At 0.30s he clearly says you can go directly from computer to desk with the Ethernet cable? I’m at a loss…

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I´m not familiar with the desk and setup but from what I understand you only need WiFi if you want to control your desk remotely with a smartphone or tablet. Other than that the desk doesn´t need WiFi. And I´m not sure if I understood correctly, if you connect the desk directly to your computer via network cable you can´t access it in Studio One?

I´m also a noob when it comes to networks and settings but from what I know plugging your desk into the router won´t give you any control via your computer since a router is only meant to send/receive a signal per port, not redirect it. Did you try USB only connection?

Don’t ask me how but I got it working! The StudioLive uses both connections; multitrack audio over USB but the control side (including bi-directional control of S1) is via the Ethernet connection.

I think my issue was between Universal Control and S1 as I could see the IP address of the mixer in UC but S1 wouldn’t see it for some reason?

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Glad you got it sorted!