Anybody nesting already? sugar bytes NEST

…virtual modular planet got a new baby…born in berlin…

puh…pandoras box is getting me in the end, i’m afraid…
if i start to imagine, what the swedish sequnecer could do, once told otherwise chaos from the outside world…holy sonic cow…
this got pretty nice surprising internal soundengines AND can adress anything else…internal vst’s of all kind…and well, also ALL external hardware that can talk midi…
stand alone and also as within all pluginhosts…a pluginhost in a pluginhost in a pluginhost…
adding more lucky dips and happy accidents to all those elektron boxes already stumble upon…wooof…too much for me…but u’ll never know…as u know…

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Big Sugar Bytes lover here but haven’t tried it yet.
My first guess is that it might not be for me, being a supra noob in modular.
But SB softwares are so inspiring…so maybe…maybe.

I’ll have to check it obviously.

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…same here…that’s why i like to call all this a pandora box…:wink:
but it’s a bit the same funfactor here, as with our beloved elektron boxes…
the happy accident and lucky dip factor is pretty HIGH…
sometimes the best things just start to happen if u try to make no sense at all…
and with the nest, oopsi doopsi, that happens almost instantly, seems to me…
u can’t go wrong and whenever u hit a sweet spot u just freeze it for later…
and once u know a little u can translate that instantly again to the elektron plock knock knock thing and suddenly all ur conditional trigs get xtra conditional on top of it all again…
but u gotto let go for real…otherwise, i drives u nuts, i’m afraid…
while, well, this place has quite some super nerds to offer, who could even wrap their minds around that again…
i’m not in that league…that’s for sure…

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So true, and you can even add this variation :
Sometimes the most shitty things just start to happen if you try to make it solid.

Of course some people are good to achieve what they have in mind from the start, but i’m definitely in the Chaos School of Events.

I love identifying hidden or unplanned awesomeness.
If i manage to achieve something i want from the get go, most of the time i will want to enhanced it and ther’s a big chance i’ll start to ruin the whole thing.

Happy Accidents are in most cases, perfect.