Anybody using MidiGAL?

With Digitakt or other Elektron gear?

Yeah, but only ever with the clock tester firmware.

Thanks for replying. You mean you use the midi clock only? Not the arp or sequencer or synth function?

Do you use it and find it good, worth buying? And what do you use it with?

It seem to be a nice addition to Digitakt. Like the Retrokit midi cable, but more sophisticated (and expensive.)

From what I read in the manual, you can have one function only, step sequencer, arp or clock?

With the Digitakt, I’ve only used the clock tester firmware;

I’m a bit obsessed with clock testing. See, for example.

It’s great, and it’s a straightforward build if you get OCB and a pre-programmed ATMega328p.

There are 3 firmwares specifically for the MidiGAL (MidiClk, MidiArp, MidiSeq), but MidiGAL also runs the Mutable Instruments MIDIpal firmware which is less deep, but offers more features. See for the MIDIpal manual, and for links to the MidiClk, MidiArp, and MidiSeq information.


Thank you :blush:

Sounds great

The MIDIGal sounds awesome. Where do I get a kit?

Looks like the sell the pcb, chips, and cases and other parts need to be user sourced.

wow, impressive test list you did!
do you have any chance to test mpc live maybe?

No, but feel free to send me one! :wink:

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For most people, it’s recommended to buy at least both the PCB and the pre-programmed ATMega328p from You can also get a nice acrylic case with it which is not required, but still… nice.

Ordering the other parts is simply a matter of going to the Mouser website and searching for the part numbers listed in the “Mouser” column of the BOM at

Make sure to check and double-check before you press “order” there. And make sure to leave out the ATMega328p from the BOM if you’ve got a pre-programmed one.

This is not a soldering project for absolute beginners, but it should be a straightforward build if you know how to solder through-hole parts.


just saw on the very bottom of the page they can be ordered pre-made for 145$. not a bad price of one doesn’t have the soldering skills necessary for this build.


@t, how is the “loading” of the difference firmwares? You got to stop/unhook everything, hook midi cable to PC and use a sysex program to load or overwrite last firmware?

That’s kind of a bummer that you have to load a new firmware every time you want to use different program isn’t it?

I thought that they are stored in memory or something and you just exit one and load another…

Ouch, the elektron boxes don’t fare well in those jitter tests…


It’s a small and cheap MCU with only a small amount of memory. If you want to use if for a lot of different stuff, you should probably choose the MIDIpal firmware.

It doesn’t have enough memory. Again the MIDIpal firmware offers a lot of different “programs” you can choose from. The MidiClk, MidiArp, and MidiSeq are more specialized.

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That’s correct. The Elektron boxes really don’t generate very tight MIDI clock.

This doesn’t matter much for syncing Elektron boxes up to eachother because they average the incoming MIDI clock to derive a tempo and use that to set their own internal clock, but it does matter when you drive simple hardware sequencers that advance their internal clock upon each MIDI Clock message received.

I built a MIDIRex a while back and I haven’t noticed any sync issues at all. I’ve synced it with my Octatrack and also the ERM Multiclock and it was very solid on both. All these devices are based on the same clock code so if one works well so should the others.

I have one on order to compare to the MIDI Solutions Event Processor Pro.
I will see how well it polychains 2 Blofelds.

I have seen videos with it used with an Analog 4, a device I almost got for a trade for a Studiologic Sledge. But I was not ready, so he traded with someone else.

found a video:

Old thread here but I wanted to see if anyone was using one of these with a model:samples or model:cycles with the dispatch mode. I’m thinking about picking one up. I’d assume the above video applies to Cycles and Samples but figured I’d check if anyone had real world experience. I think it would be fun to have some polyphonic action using 3 or 4 of the tracks with the same patch loaded where I’d record some patterns playing from an external keyboard to get a polyphonic pattern on the cycles (or samples) and then tweak each track and the trigs slightly to get variation.