Anyma Omega Keyboard and Desktop - New from Aodyo

Not sure if this was reply for me or general advertisement… :slight_smile:
I don’t need persuasion - I already backed the project yesterday… :slight_smile:

No ad. Just me remembering the reality of what the Omega is about.

Yeah. I still somehow can’t believe it is real. Especially for the early bird price it almost seems too cool to be true. But even for the full retail price it is in my view incomparable with anything on the market…


I feel you ! The price is unreal for early contributeur.
I think it’s a synth that one can dig for life. Can’t wait to put my hand on it and play it.

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It seems 160k was just reached! Poly AT keyboard and percussive sensitive feature on desktop!


just saw that too :smiley:
stoked for poly aftertouch
now onwards to the CV i/o


CV I/O unlocked ! Well, it’s a serious beast now.

It has always been a beast — to me.

I use the Phi so i understand some of the basics of the internals with the Omega. But there are a lot of new things that i’ll need to get fingers on with.

I want to know more about the Aleagen and Polymorph features. I can see myself using both frequently. If the randomness of the Aleagen is focused and controllable it could be really useful with generative composition. ( This will be a challenge for Aodyo to do really well. )

And since this is four part multi-timbral, you can split the keyboard, and also i presume the sixteen controls beneath the screen, the four auxiliary controls with the key version, the CV inputs and outputs, as well as assigning the ribbon and pad to voices. And of course MIDI inputs too.

I also am wondering of detail on the polyphonic Advanced Sequencer. With the sixteen controls beneath the screen i wonder if those can be used to edit step parameters, and more of the details of that.

Also really like that there is both a Host and Device USB MIDI interface. That’s a nice thing with the Phi, being able to plug in and use other controllers directly, via USB. Again i presume those external controllers can be matched to one of the four parts, so for instance for me, to be able to use a wind controller to control a part on top of a sequenced pattern, with the other three parts.

I will be using the Omega for sound design, and so hope the new features are as easy to program as the features that are being brought over from the Phi.

So now with the CV, i am thinking of how to set up the outboard CV connectors with the RJ45 connector cables. Maybe some custom work since the Doepfer module is so simple.

Is there much word on how you can route the audio and use of the Oscs as modulators with in a part running the module type engine? I guess I am just curious to how modular their module approach is, like if they are giving each individual module the same I/O as a eurorack module or if it is a bit more traditional in synth design but taking advantage of the mutable instruments algos. The way they talk about the modulators makes it sound a bit more traditional in structure but they also list audio as a modulator so maybe you can select any module as an audio source to then use as a modulator.

Are you referring to the Module Reference in the back ( so called Appendix ) section of the Anyma Phi manual ? It’s the best guide we have at the moment for this sort of detail, besides actually trying stuff on the Anyma Phi hardware. Of course the Omega goes beyond this but the module interface should be similar.

Sorry if i didn’t cover your question, i’m a bit groggy, but should be better latter.

I guess I just meant from reading this on the kickstarter…

although looking at it closer maybe answers my question a bit see as modulation X MOD is an effect and not just a routing… I suppose we will have to wait and see exactly how the engine all interacts though.

From the panel graphics shown already, which look exactly like the routing of the Anyma Phi, I think we can expect the core of the audio routing to be the same, per “voice” of the omega (regarding the Phi as a single “voice”.

The Phi has two Audio busses, each of which has a flexible mix of the 3 oscillators and the audio inputs. Each bus is a chain of “effects” (filters, VCAs and much more), which usually take one audio input from it’s own bus, though in some cases, they will take inputs from two busses, You can have a total of five effects distributed as you like across the two busses, 3+2, or 4+1 etc.

So the audio routing is constrained by the two busses. Control routing (LFOs, ADSRs, etc) is much more flexible.

It’s worth taking a look at the Phi manual, which is very chatty and easy to read.

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Definitely read through the list of all the Anyma Omega modules. [ This link is a repeat of what i gave not too far back.] Looking at the Phi manual will show the basics of how you would control these modules.

The Phi is pretty easy to understand and work with, but at the same time gives you lots of freedom with patch creation. The graph on both the keyboard and desktop showing the three oscillators and the two buses and with the selection buttons, and the large screen with all the controls should make this part of patch creation on the Omega relatively fast.

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A CPU upgrade of the Phi would have been nice, as a one voice entry level but that can keep pace with the Omegas


… plus a breath input as bonus along with it, which was moved forward from the set of other stretch goals beyond what has already been included.

Next up for both keys and desktop is a chorder and strummer. Not sure what this is exactly, but this might be an added way to use the ribbons, they had earlier listed advanced ribbon controller as a possible goal.

Their vision for this instrument — with built in percussive microphone, audio input processing, poly-aftertouch keybed, x-y touch pad, ribbon input, breath input, MPE in, the CV ins, the host USB interface for MIDI controllers, and now a chorder/strummer interface —seems to be as a multi-function performance instrument. Something with multiple ways for you to interact with as a synth.

An interesting vision, if this is really their goal. I am trying to think of another instrument with such a complete set of controls all together in one synth. There are others with parts of this, but none i can think of with all this together. It also gives Aodyo a lot of territory for software upgrades, if they do as they did with the Phi.

For me this adds a new dimension to sound design — instrument design ?


Eagenmatrix vs Anyma Omega, which is better?


I’ve created a new thread for this.

If they deliver on the product this promise to be a monster… And a good reason to sell everything to afford it. Or a Nord Wave 2. They seems so different but covering a lot similar uses.

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Might be easier for people to chew on if it was entitled

‘Physical Modelling Synths - New & Forthcoming Compared’


As i anticipated back here Aodyo has indeed added some more stretch goals to the list starting at 200K. New on the KS page :

Good to see detail on these two.

Interesting that you can store chords and progression on the “shortcut buttons” and then strum them on the ribbon. They’re almost to 200K so the chorder / strummer is probably included.

And then if the ribbon had an added y dimension ( is that pressure, or vertical across the ribbon not sure ? Not much room across the ribbon ), and was multi-touch, there could be lots of possible applications to that. I’ve thought about in the past what a pressure sensitive ribbon would be like to use.

More things to that list i started of how to use the Omega as a multifunction instrument.

And then there is more stuff that might be added beyond 250K. We’ll see.