Anyone disliked FM at first but changed their opinion after getting the Digitone?

Still have no clue what FM is or how it works. All I can say is the DN sounds gorgeous!

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The DT got me curious about FM, but I was never super excited about the sound of it, so I ended up getting rid of it.
It left me still kind of wishing I had an FM “flavor” so I got the MegaFM.
WAY more excited about that sound.

FWIW: Biosphere wrote Substrata on an Akai s3000 and a Yamaha FB-01–a 4-op FM synth.


I live the Digitone sound because of the extras. FM, but with the filter and the chorus it’s a lot more.

I bought my first one because I wanted to be able to sequence chords. Loved it, but sold it because I though I could sequence iPad synths with the Digitakt.

That didn’t work out. I got another Digitone, and I love it so much. And I use its MIDI tracks to sequence Moog’s Model D iPad app.

Not really. But I’m in camp Sequential, generally unreasonable and reluctant to change. Poor D-Tone started uphill and never really had a chance to begin with.

I don’t know if it makes sense but I have reached a point that I don’t really care if it is an FM synth or not. The sequencer itself offers such vast opportunities that, even if you don’t enjoy FM at all, like myself before purchasing DN, it is not difficult to come up with something you enjoy. Nevertheless, I mainly use DN for gritty, dirty and evolving leads and it’s perfect for that.


Substrata is one of my all time favorite ambient albums. Good to know!



This preset sold me on the Dtone instantly


Same here! I still can not figure out how the one sound plays after the sequence loops? Always wanted to pose that question.

I was an idiot. I have a DN now, and I really love it. Ignore Jun11 me.

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I have a non working Yamaha TX802 (DX7II in rack format), returned brocken after I sold it working. Very powerfull, and…very boring to edit.

So yes, despite its FM limitations, I’m envoying much more the DN for its FM synthesis simplicity.
Also UI, sequencer, soustractive part, form factor…

Still on the fence with the DN here… Except for Baseck what are your favourite not-so-lush Digitone examples?

Of course the DN excels at those melancholy pads and leads (and some drums, even though I’m not always a big fan of DN drums) but whatever I play with it always seems to turn out a bit yucky sweet to me.

Mind you, I don’t feel like that listening to some DN masters like Ylva and Ivar Tryti but it’s starting to feel like it took a second time with DN for me to realize it’s not necessarily a palette I personally want to write with right now. (In a way it’s this weird feeling of loving a sound but not feeling connected to it for whatever reason.)

I too have bad tinnitus and own both, I don’t have particular issues with either. I know people talk about the hydrasynth being harsh, but I don’t understand why, I think it’s really smooth in the high frequency department for a wavetable synth.

I would return the SL, buy a Summit, and use it for your master keyboard instead with two Peaks inside!

Wait for this, very deep textures and massive sound:

Same patch, higher octaves:

Around 1:46 things get nice and harsh but still tame. Has more harshness it can do:

The beginning of this is tame compared to what that patch can really do. Then around 1:30 I reintroduce the patch as a lead/pad:

I’d upload more stuff but I am 700+ miles away from my DN right now haha

It all still does sound lushy though. That’s mostly because of the filter. I don’t like it too harsh but hopefully this helps


:arrow_forward:︎ digitalis | (d) (


I don’t really care if it’s fm or not, the digitone just sounds soo good, great for drums, pair that with elektron sequencer, my fav machine. Most used piece of gear


I do like these and there have been some in the Current Sounds thread by you I’ve liked even more. However, the closer we get to a more nostalgic or 80s type of sound, the more I struggle to make relevant sounding music with it personally. Like I said, I like the sound but often just find myself listening to a 4-bar loop of something very simple and LUSH on the Digitone adding more and more reverb and chorus and not being able to move forward with the track.

Of course it’s partly due to me not having spent a huge amount of time with the DN but I did play it quite a bit the last time I had it. Never made a single track with it though, (nor do I think I’d necessarily make an all-DN track to begin with). Will probably keep the DN for now anyway, as the no new gear year challenge approaches…

Now this is something else! Really like this, it’s a different aspect of the DN to what I’ve been able to discover thus far.


Thanks for this ! I’ve just checked a few tracks but i already now i like it !

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