Anyone disliked FM at first but changed their opinion after getting the Digitone?

Yep, I’m giving it a proper listen now as well and it’s truly excellent! Big up to @glitched for awesome sound design and a great album!

Much appreciated (to all!)


I didn’t ever dislike FM, but I am a much bigger fan of the Digitone’s sound than FM7/FM8.

I’ve always been into FM since the old days of Adlib, arcade, megadrive, and old computers. I don’t particularly like Digitone’s skimping on some of the most useful features of FM to give it wider variety of sound, but the two LFOs and 2 filters make up for a lot of the lost sonic spaces.

That said, it’s a fun box and it’s got enough FM so I can still feel like it’s really FM and not what it really is which is ‘some fm, some subtractive’.

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