Anyone have a comprehensive list of MD tips/Tricks?

I’ve had my MD for about 2 years now so I’m very comfortable working with it however after reading some of these posts I’m realizing im missing out!
So I’m looking for some funky tips and tricks to take my MD knowledge to the fullest.
Three main things I don’t know about is how to do triggerless trigs (It’s much more straightforward on the Monomachine)
What is CTRL-al? If it’s what I think it is then I’m pretty pumped about figuring out how to use it.
And is there anything I’m missing on the GND machines? I’m using them as basic building blocks for drum synthesis to the mangle and modulate, Is that their only purpose or is there anything else I can do with them? (I could have sworn I read something a long tome ago about triggering modular gear and other uses which I can’t comprehend because it’s not a control voltage)
But anyways yea any and all tips and tricks for the MD would be greatly appreciated!

(Also so I’m not spamming each individual forum, Is there like a main hub somewhere that has comprehensive tips and tricks for all the elektron boxes? I have the MD, MNM, A4 and AR I love them all and am at similar skill levels with all of them but I see more complexity in them that I’ve yet to think of. Again any info would be very much appreciated)

Check the ‘files’ section - there are at least a couple of tips and tricks docs kicking around that collect together many forum users tips in one place

Have a look in the “Files” section - lots of tips & tricks for MD (and other boxes) in there. A lot imported from the old Elektron-Users forum.


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I just realized I never responded to this!

Thank you guys for some reason I didn’t think to look in the files section (Derp) but yea thanks again guys I’m going to print this stuff out to keep on hand.

There are no trigless trigs on the MD, right? Although I think I’ve read about a workaround.

The old Elektron-Users forum is a wealth of information on the MD(UW) and MNM, and the OT to a lesser degree as it has seen some updates since. Worth googling and checking out the user knowledge there, then coming back here and posting questions if you have any…or if you find something interesting and just want to start a new discussion on it.

CTRL-AL is basically like the Function+knob “trick” in extended mode, but you can p-lock it. Great way to get really weird with your sequences.

I’ve never spent a lot of time with the GND machines, but yeah, they are basic building blocks. You can use the Sine to get some great deep basses…tho I find the one on the Monomachine to be even better.

I love the CTRL-AL machine. It seems to come up with some truly mad noises. Just make sure you’ve saved your kit properly beforehand so you can reload it live for a seamless transition from madness back to reality!