Anyone have an OT MKI, Kijimi and Faderfox UC4? I need a quick favor

Long shot I guess, considering the specific gear.

This afternoon i discovered that if I have my Kijimi’s output connected to any OT input AND the OT outputs aren’t connected, the MIDI signal from the Faderfox to the OT gets glitchy, but it’s glitchy in a repeatable way. Connecting the OT output (or running a wire from the Kijimi’s chassis to ground) eliminates it.

If someone actually has the same three pieces and could take a few minutes to check whether they have the same problem, that would be a big help.

-Connect Kijmi main out to any OT in
-Set fader 2 of the Faderfox to send CC7 on channel 2 (audio track 2 volume)
With a default OT project, raising and lowering fader 2 on the Faderfox a few times will mute track 2

There are other glitches, but that’s the one that I could reproduce the most consistently (others were stuff like CC47 bleeding into CC7, so adjusting the CUE level in studio mode would also send random values to the main track volume, similar things with LFO depth, and probably plenty more I didn’t catch).

Ideally, it would be a DIY rev.1 Kijimi with a Rev2 i/o board installed, and a MKI Octatrack.

Trying to figure out if the issue is a build problem, a design problem, or a defective i/o board.